Chapter 34

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I had to calm my nerves and was now starving, so, I needed to eat something pretty quick.

Whoever owed this place didn't really have much food except eggs, some meats and veggies, but I wasn't about to be ungrateful.

My plan was to eat, take a shower, and go to sleep, and hopefully forget about the painful proximity of Ace's presence.

Something about being closer to him made me lose my cool.

And my cool was lost the moment he pressed himself against my back. Shivers shoot down my spine at the contact, and though innocent, I couldn't really disregard it, or forget it for that matter.

"Here you go." He smiled with dimples shown on his face. How did I not notice them before? My brain short circuited, and I responded the best way I could.

"Uhh, thanks. Do you want some eggs?"

"Yeah. Will there be enough for you?"

"I wouldn't be asking if there wasn't." I teased him.

He smiled at that, and went to sit at the sofa, turning on the TV.

"There is still hot water if you want to freshen up."I thanked him .

I scrambled what I could and placed it in front of us.

"You know, a real gentleman would ask if he can help with cooking." I wanted to tease some more, bordering rude, but he seemed to be lost in thought, and kept staring at the screen.

"What is wrong?" I asked.

"I have no idea how to move from this now, and frankly, I am terrified."

"What do you mean?"

"Well...obviously my father wants me dead, and its only a matter of time until he succeeds. And if something were to happen to you in the process..."

"Do you have any idea why he would want you dead?" If he knew, he wouldn't answer.

"Ace, I can only help you as much as you help me. Please." For the first time in a long time, he met my eyes.

"I have something, that could potentially change the society functions, and it might not agree with him, lets just leave it at that."

"I see... but why would you want to change the society that you benefit so much from?"

"It is not because of the society or if I am a good person or not. It is more to bring him down to his knees, and to pay what he did."

Anger was apparent on his face, not pointed at me, but it was clearly felt.

"I understand."

Air was heavy, and we sat in silence. I popped a pill even though the post off would only happen a week from now.

 When I moved my gaze to see him, I could see that he was already observing me. 

Ashamed, I got up barely touching the meal and had the urge to remove myself from his inquisitive gaze. He took my hand, gently but firmly.

"I am not judging you if that is why you want to leave."

I am not judging you. How lovely those words sounded .

He still wasn't releasing my hand, and I didn't make an effort to pull it out. His thumb started caressing the knuckles of my hand, and electricity was shooting through my skin with this simple gesture.

„I don't know why you're so uncomfortable around me, and you said on multiple occasions that you don't want to have anything to do with me...but..I hope that you will deem me as a friend eventually, enough to trust me with this."

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