Chapter 72

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"Hello, Margaret. I would love to believe that this was a coincidence, but you would agree that it most certainly looks like it's anything but. "

I realized what Ace has done for me. Giving me an opportunity that I craved.

I thanked him internally.

"Hi, Maryam. "

She sat down, right next to the doors, she probably thought that she should be as close to the exit as possible.

An awkward silence fell...I had it all mapped out, I had it all prepared. But for some reason, they didn't come out.

"Uh...have you been doing well Maryam? "

"Yes. Yes, I have. "

"Right.. "

I will not, absolutely not lose the only opportunity to speak to her. I will not.

"Maryam...I would like to apologize. "

She wasn't looking at me at this moment.

"I understand that you don't care about me anymore, I really do. And you can do whatever you want after this, it's your life, okay? But can you please give me a moment to explain what happened that night...and I promise... You will never have to see me again if you don't wish it. "

She still didn't speak, and I interpreted it as a yes.

„I love you Maram. I am sorry that I lost these years with you. Not watching you grow into this strong woman was my biggest punishment, but .. "

"You do realize that I could strangle you right now, and not even bat an eye. "

„You will never know what truly and fully happened, and I have a feeling that you want to know the truth," I said.

„I don't want anything from you mother." She closed the distance... neared my face now, fury burning in her eyes, but her eyes glistened.

„I just want a minute of your time. Don't you think you could grant me that much?"

She pulled back, and I stood up, barely so. She eased up a bit ..and I started talking first. I explained everything that happened, how Victoria offered me money for bounty hunters, how the plan went awry and how she was taken.

"But that doesn't really make sense. Victoria was the one who saved me when she brought me to Alin. She said that you practically sold me to the government because you had no money. "

I didn't understand what Victoria had possibly to gain from that lie.

"I...I wish I could prove it all somehow. I really wish. "

"And I wish I could trust you. "

"That is fine. You don't have to forgive me, but I thought you deserved to know the truth.. "

"After all...."I reached for a stray hair on her forehead, and she winced but eased when she realized what I wanted to do"How could I possibly harm my little girl? "

"Why didn't you say that you were my mother? "

I moved the hand away from her now.

"I was ashamed Maryam. I was ashamed that you had a mother that you didn't deserve. "

She narrowed her eyes in suspicion.

"I would have loved you anyway Margaret. I wouldn't care about that, but what mattered to me the most was to have you near...WITH ME....and you abandoned me. How could you? "

It seemed that our lives were parallel, like two rivers that have the same ending point, and I was saddened that she had this kind of life. I blamed myself for this, maybe if she had a better starting point, things would not turn out this way, but then, a silent voice told me that maybe her life would have even turned out worse if I were present.

She was a soldier with no doubt and all hopes of swaying her from the path she has chosen vanished. As if the small reconciliation went by in a moment. Of course, a moment of bonding won't undo the way she is living her life now. I realized that no matter what I said, it won't change anything.

" must know...I did for you. I did it to save you. "

"I would have never abandoned my own child! And I know that because I have one. "


I am ...a grandmother?

"I didn't exactly give birth to her...I took her from an orphanage, but even though we are not blood-related, I would rather die than abandon her. "

I was at a loss for words. Completely shocked.

"But having her made me realize just how much you failed me. And I will never forgive you. "

Before I could say anything, the door opened up first they took her, then 5 minutes later, they took me.

Ace stood by, and was looking at me expectantly. I guess he noticed the grim look on my face and changed his mind about whatever he wanted to say.

I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Thank you Ace for giving me what I have longed for. I am eternally grateful. "

He looked pitiful himself, and we both looked like two dogs left in the rain. I was about to walk off, but I didn't feel like being alone.

"Hey uh, you want to have a cup of coffee with me? "

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