Chapter 12

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This chapter contains depictions of SA please be warned.


How can everything go wrong in such a short amount of time? 

I researched all of Roxanna's procedures, but it all was for nothing when I messed up the glass count. Looking back, I could have just taken the last glass when the manager turned his back, but I was so flustered. 

Biting my nails, I tried to clench the feeling of failure that I was. Sweating profusely, feeling too hot in the binds of my clothes, I popped an antidepressant to calm myself and think. 

Maybe the blonde was as rotten as him, however, I had no knowledge of any of her transgressions. In my books, I had no reason to kill her. 

In a little more of a secluded area, I distanced myself from the crowd, galloping through the possible resolutions I could utilize. 

One of the blue androids that were serving tonight passed me, and I observed the socket on his throat designed for charging. Slipping water inside of the socket would be a challenge, as I needed to be quite precise in aiming.

I grabbed a fork and the rubber gloves used by baristas that would wash the dishes, securing myself from the electrical short-circuit that I caused in the android. As I poured the vial of liquid poison down the fork into the tiny uninsulated part of the android, the part started to release smoke, and soon after, a small fire, quickly drowned by the sprinklers.

Making my way to the exit, I was mortified to discover my target literally next to me, and he still had that damned glass in his hand. I couldn't set myself up for disappointment like this, knowing that if he drinks it, he will possibly live. 

I will try it all over again. I will keep trying until he is dead.

I thrust myself up against him, knocking the drink out of his hand, then moved in front of him, making it appear as if the crowd pushed me against him.

Changing myself behind the dumpster, I finally got my dress off of me and changed into something more comfortable, and couldn't wait to go home. What a disastrous day. The breeze was a bit colder, pinching my cheeks.

I walked for several minutes until I heard a voice interrupting me.

" I can't believe it. Do my eyes deceive me?"

I turned around, and there was a middle-aged man, clearly drunk. He wore a tattered white undershirt, obviously stained by vomit, and a beige thin coat. I doubt that coat was serving any protection from the chill of the weather. His wrinkled face had more moles than I have seen in a while. His gut spilling over the binds of the jeans led me to believe that this man ate well, which might put him in the middle class, even though he looked like a homeless person. 

Obesity in Rintalis was rarely observed in citizens. Prior to Lilith, the poor were usually more on the heavy side simply because junk food was so easily accessible and cheaper than healthy food. The same junk food now is harmless, simply because of a single injection that was free, where a person could administer it to themselves, speeding their digestion fifty times higher than usual.   From what I heard, the same injection could cause heart failure, but regardless of the risk, models used it more often. Even if the person would eat ten portions of french fries or burgers, they would never feel the effects on their scale. 

However, the biggest reason why we didn't have obesity is that citizens didn't have enough money to spare for extra food. Beyond their rents, utilities, and whatever expenses they had, most of the money went to the payment of government post-off. 

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