Chapter 70

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"Are you all deranged!? "

The Vice president, clearly frustrated spoke at the entrance of the building, while his bodyguards were passing one by one, only after being cleared by my own personnel.

"I could have you all arrested for this! "

I held my arms up in protest trying to calm the situation down.

"Good afternoon Vice president, I am terribly sorry about this, but we have a protocol in place. "

"What are you even talking about? Let us pass this instant! "

"We have a new policy at the entrance of armed personnel, they are to be checked out by security to see if they are all carrying their permits. I promise you, this is for your protection sir. "

My own security guy proclaimed "Sir. the system is not recognizing one of the permits. "

I smiled politely at him.

"Oh? " I looked at the vice president. "See, I may or may not have just saved your life. "

"That is just stupid who is it? "

"It's this guard here. " And the security guard pointed at Maryam.

"No way. She is definitely in the clear. "

Maryam tried to remain stoic, but I could definitely see a glimpse of panic on her brow.

"I am sure that it's just a system glitch, but for now, I will have to contain her, at least while she is in this building. I would hate for you to get hurt, especially seeing that you are a valued client of ours. "

"As soon as we are done with the meeting, she will be released. "

The vice president sighed and threw his arms in defeat.

"Fine. Let's just get this shit over with. "

"Follow me, sir. " 

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