Chapter 46

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Simulated light burned my eyelids, and my eyesight slightly blurred. Ace's arm wrapped around me, tightening around my abdomen, the heat of his body pressed against my back. My bladder pressured me to move away from him, but Ace groaned. 

"Where do you think you are going?" He protested in a raspy and deep voice. 

"I gotta pee." 

"Turn around and kiss me first."

I happily obliged, and as I got up, he spanked me. The floodgates have really been opened huh? 

As I did my thing and washed my hands, I returned eagerly to the warm spot, with my face turned to him. He nuzzled into my neck, as I caressed his silky hair. 

"You were amazing last night. I wasn't aware that you were so..."

Heat spread through my head, as I hesitate to say what I really want. But Ace wouldn't let it slide. As expected with Ace. 

"I was so...what?" 

I swallowed and uttered. 


He raised a suggestive eyebrow. 

"Did you expect me to be different?"

"No, I liked it." 

He huffed with a smirk. 

"How about a replay?" He said as he pressed his erection against me.


Jett and his crew didn't bother us. They left money in the envelope at our doors, but beyond that, we didn't really see them.

Ace and I finally got dressed into the spare clothes provided by Jett's crew. My electric purple skirt and white shirt from pure cotton, and Ace was provided with a black shirt of similar textile, and dark denim.  As we explored the city more, It seemed that most houses of the citizens were small and charming, with various gears at the top of the facade. 

"God, if Jett didn't pull that shit, I would consider this a blissful existence."

I understood exactly what he was saying. Too bad we have more than enough problems on our plate that needed resolving. Together we sat on the bench under a large tree.

"I know right? Maybe when we are done with all of this, we can try and escape Rintalis, all three of us to a place like this but better."

He nodded, but I could tell something with what I said changed his mood. 

"It's not that simple Margaret. I have built a life in this city, and I honestly don't know how am I going to abandon it."

Something inside of me was saddened at his proclamation. 

"I understand." 

The prospect of being away from Ace was painful, and he noticed the shift in my mood too. 

"Have I said something wrong?"

Forcing a smile, I proclaimed. 

"No, it's just that I don't see myself being here, in this city. Even if Lilith goes down, I have really bad memories in Rintalis, and I know that I will not stay."

"Maybe you could make new memories in Rintalis with me?"

"Look Ace, I get it, you have built a name for yourself, and I completely understand that you dont wanna go. But, I didnt have that. And as much as I like you, the option of staying in Rintalis is impossible for me. Especially when Lilith goes down, I will not have a way to make my livelihood and I would depend on you for that. I don't want to be baggage to you."

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