30 ☠️

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We had been searching for half an hour already now. To the point where even Jeongin seemed to be getting stressed. I was only still getting to know these guys, but it was getting noticeable how if even he was getting distressed, things really were getting bad. "Are you sure it was here Minho?" he asked, even the tone in his voice now different than normal, getting more and more annoyed. "It should be here, considering the time window and surroundings. I'm pretty sure it was just after a hill like this," Minho answered, him too getting a little more exasperated.

Though we still had quite some rations left, those were slowly lessening as well. We'd been trying to reduce our intake, but the little amount of water together with the seemingly increasing heat was starting to get to us all. I mentally scoffed. At first they tried to freeze us, but now it felt like we were a part of god's menu, being roasted alive. I could only imagine the weather getting worse as we continued. Though we hadn't seen anything from the storm the first twenty minutes or so, you could now definitely feel the scorching wind picking up here. I had already rubbed my eyes too many times in this short amount of time that I even lost count. It definitely didn't help we had to stay close to the ground to search though.

Though still, things were going relatively well. The storm hadn't reached all the way here yet, so for now the wind only picked up. On top of that, I hadn't seen many attempts to actually murder us yet. At least not as fast or badly as the first room. In there you instantly had the poisoned food, and at the first night already the freezing cold, plus the wrong map on top of that, leading right to the explosion. The first room was instantly quite heavy in comparison to this area, which is probably increasing in danger level as you continue. Still, even though it seemed quite safe now, we probably did have to hurry if we wanted to be sure to be safe.

"Wasn't there any chance it was somewhere alike?" I added to Jeongin's question. If we had been searching for so long already, it just seemed more likely. "Not likely. I'm really sure it was around here." Around here. Very convincing, Minho. At moments like this, keeping my cool wasn't my strongest point, but at least I was able to keep it to myself. Besides, it wouldn't do anyone any good to get annoyed right now, since even moodmaker Jeongin wouldn't be able to lift it. "We can't keep looking here forever though, things are probably gonna pick up even more," Changbin now commented, as if he had been reading my mind. "Well, then what do you suggest?" Minho snarled at him, rolling his eyes.

"I'm just stating a fact dude, what's up with you?" Changbin grumbled back at him. Minho's eyes narrowed, but before he could say anything else Chan intervened. "Guys," was all he needed to say with gruff voice to shut the other two right up again. Chan let out an exasperated sigh, pressing his lips together. I let out a scoff. Geez, if I don't worsen the mood, they clearly do already. I could feel Changbin's gaze on me for a second, but without saying anything he moved on to searching. I slapped my knees, finally stretching my legs after ages of squatting down. "I'm gonna go take a small walk, my legs are killing me. It'll just be a minute or two," I explained, kicking my legs in the air a couple times.

Before Chan could nag me about going alone, I nudged Felix's arm, who was now next to me. "Wanna come with?" I'd we'd be apart from the group for even just a few minutes, it might make our donations go up just enough to be closer to a new tool. A new tool already would probably be too optimistic, but at this point anything was welcome. You could see the look in his eyes change, like a lightbulb turning on, when he realized my intentions. "Sure, let's go." He patted my back, looking back at the others real quick. "We'll be right back you guys." The eyes were burning in our backs, but those we just had to somehow ignore.

We were quick to go down one of the sand hills that had formed, soon out of sight for the others. "I swear you're a hero, I thought people were gonna get murdered if we stayed there for even a second longer." He smiled, sneaking his hand on my outer hip, his arms wrapped around my waist. My shoulders tensed up, but he was too distracted to notice. I smiled back at him, genuinely relieved to get out of there though. I really needed a change of pace, and mood for that fact.

Felix tightened his grip on my waist, using it to pull me closer to him. His free hand was on the side of my face, his thumb stroking my cheek. "Plus, it had been too long already since we got some alone time," he whispered, so soft I wondered if the viewers would even hear it. Then again, I had no clue how sensitive the microphones here were. My breathing became heavier as my eyes got caught in Felix's. Even though the past couple of days had already been vastly different from my life before, but I could still feel myself shutting down at this close contact.

I instinctively put my foot backwards, feeling the ground slip away from beneath it. Had Felix not been holding onto me, I would have definitely fallen backwards, but instead he only pulled me closer to him, my body against his. "Everything okay there?" he asked, his entire act of attraction now gone for genuine concern. It was just something in his eyes that changed. I nodded quickly, my body too stiffened to move away again. "Yeah, I just slipped on.. that..." As soon as Felix and I both realized just what caused me to almost fall, our eyes widened, a gasp leaving the both of our mouths.


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