30. Leave my property

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Hugo sees me but he doesn't stop smashing Miles face into the gravel, every-time Hugo picks up Miles limp body the blood drips from his face on to the driveway, I run inside and Scarlett can see what's happening outside,


"I don't have time to explain, stay in the house and protect yourself okay"


"Scarlett honestly I do not have the time Miles is on the verge of death and you're blabbing"

"Danielle Clarke"
"Chase is outside with Hugo and Miles, he's beating Miles up, He's helping Hugo"

I see Chase he looks tired but ready to fight, I turn to Scarlett,

"Stay in here please, go upstairs and take Buddy with you"

Scarlett goes upstairs and Buddy follows her, I get the gun and knives I put the knives in my heels and the gun is in my hand, I walk outside and I can hear Scarlett yelling faintly at Chase, He turns to look at me and he comes walking towards me, Suddenly he's punching me in the stomach again and I hear Scarlett scream.

My stomach feels like it's dead and I stumble towards Chase, I punch him in the throat and he grabs his neck and falls back into my car, I kick him repeatedly and it feels good until Hugo's hands are wrapped around my thighs he puts me on the hood of his car that is directly parked next to mine.

He starts kissing me down my body mainly focusing on my neck he attempts to give me a hickey but I grab one of the kitchen knives from my heel and slit his wrist, He yells and curses at me I punch him in the face and his nose starts to bleed.

Chase is back up and has his fists clenched, he punches me so that his fist hits my nose pushing the bone up, I hold my nose as it bleeds and the knife is still in my hand, I put the gun in my bra and look at Chase.

"What are you going to do Princess? cut my wrists like you did Hugo"

"I don't know Chase, What should I do?
"What do you deserve?

"I deserve that money you won"

"Oh fuck off"
"You're not getting that money"

"Oh yes I am Danielle"

Chase pushes past me walking towards the house.

Scarlett is in there

Oh Fuck no

I run at Chase and spear tackle him to the ground, I put him onto his back and punch him in the face, He tries to grab me but I dodge him.

He tumbles me onto the ground and grabs the knife, He looks at me and stabs me in the right leg near me knee, I fall back and cry in pain he runs into the house and starts tearing it apart.


"Sorry Princess I can't until you give me that money"

"Chase" A voice says from the staircase


"Hello Honey"

"Stop that Chase, we all know what you've done"


"Everyone, Dani, Miles, Hugo every single person at the race"

"Oh stop they aren't going to say shit"
"They know I will hunt them down if they do"

"You have to stop hurting people Chase"

"It's in my blood baby"
"Can't stop now"


Scarlett pulls out a knife and walks towards Chase, She stabs him in the back and pushes him to the side, Scarlett starts to cry and holds the knife to her heart she starts pressing it until Miles grabs the knife out of her hand and throws it to the ground, Miles hugs her tight and I can hear her cries.

"Get her out of here Miles"

"Where am I supposed to take her?

"Your house, anywhere she's safe"

"Okay, are you gonna be okay with these two?

"They're both practically dead so yeah"

Miles picks Scarlett up and she tries to grab onto my hand but I shake her off, She gets in the car and Miles drives off.

Chase is limp on the ground and he's still breathing, I pick him up and put him in the backseat of my car, I do the same with Hugo except he's awake and yelling at me, But I don't listen.

I drive off towards the police station, because I'm turning both of them in. My stab wound on my leg is bleeding a lot but I will go to hospital after I release the truth.

"Hugo do me a favour and make sure Chase is breathing"

"Fuck off Dani"

"Why were you hurting Miles?

"At the race he was protecting you, If I took him down It equals you going down after"

"Well your plan didn't work did it"

"Yeah because psycho maniac Danielle came out"

"Oh she's been out for ages, don't you worry about that darling"

"You're Dangerous Danielle"
"No one is safe"
"Not Scarlett or Miles"

I try to focus on the road but my mind keeps tracing back to killing Hugo.

"Well Hugo you don't have to worry about me being dangerous"

"Yes I do"

"And why would you think something like that?

"I know you killed those people Danielle"
"But you blamed it on Chase"
"You are just out for power"

"I didn't kill them Hugo"

"Yes you did"
"Oh yes you did"

I grab the knife and stab him in the calf, he winces in agony and tries to punch me.

"Nice try"
"But not good enough"

I wonder how Scarlett is doing?

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