89. Don't rest in peace

18 2 0

TW - Sexual assault, Overdose, abuse

I stand there with my gun in my right hand my left hand turned to a fist, Miles is on my left and Mum looks at me with fear painted over her Jacob stands next to her and protects her.

"I need you to leave Jacob" I say

"No Danielle, Jacob stays" Mum yells

"Fine" I say

I take a deep breath and Miles holds my hand while I have it in a fist, I lift the gun up at Mum and she jerks at the movement. "Do you want to explain something to me Charlotte" I yell.

"It's Mum to you Danielle"

"Your not my family"

"I raised you"

"NO you fucking didn't Charlotte! Dylan cooked for me every night while you and Dad were out pissed drunk"

"I'm your Mother Danielle!

"No you aren't!
"I fucking hate you Charlotte"

"You are walking on thin fucking ice Danielle!

"Let me fucking walk!
"I do dangerous shit everyday this doesn't even compare to what I've done"

"What do you want from me?

"I want answers" I yell
"Where the fuck did you get 100,000 from?

Jacob looks at Mum confused and she looks down, "100,000? Jacob asks, "For what Charlotte?

"She used it to restore a car" I yell

"What car? Jacob asks

"Thomas's blue 65' Mustang" I yell

Jacob looks at Mum and she looks at me and has anger all through her body. "Tell me Charlotte, Why did you rack up $100,000 grand for a car that belonged to someone you hated, But you wouldn't even pay for your daughters surgery when she nearly died? I ask.

"What? Jacob asks

"Jacob your with a monster, I got into a car accident while racing and I burnt alive I had broken ribs, A broken bone in my neck, Burns down my body, My heart failed yet Charlotte over here didn't pay for anything.... She didn't even visit me" I say

"I love your Mother Danielle" He yells

"Your fucked in the head" I say

Charlotte moves closer to Jacob and I start to get angry, "Why'd you do it Charlotte? I ask again.

"You really want to know do you Danielle?

I nod and point the gun at her, "I want you dead Danielle Clarke!

Stabs to my heart

My own Mother wants me dead

And so do I

I push past Miles and come face to face with Charlotte, Jacob tries to rip me away from her but I press the gun to her heart and Jacob starts yelling at me Miles steps back and watches me. Charlottes eyes are evil and Jacob pushes me back into the floor and my wrist snaps,

"You are so fucked" I yell at him

Miles picks me up and checks my wrist it hurts to move and I try to twist it back. I look at Charlotte and go to the kitchen, Jacob tries to stop me but I hit him in the stomach with the gun and he groans. I get the knife block that has all the knives and bring it to Miles and hand it to him, "What are you doing Danielle? Charlotte yells "Oh just you wait" I say, I go to the drawers and get all of the other knives and put them in front of Miles.

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