101. The gang are back

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Mako comes running down the stairs happily he runs into the kitchen, "Go and get Buddy ready" I say. He runs outside and slams the door I look at Miles and smile, "Someone bought the old Patch"  I say.

"No fucking way who?

"A family they have a young daughter and a teenage son, His names Mitch and he used to watch my racing"

"No shit, Wow haha"
"We have some good memories out there"

"Oh fuck yeah, Remember when we crashed the hilux and it was on fire and we had to drive it into the lake to cool it off"

"Good times, I hope that family has some good memories there"

"I reckon they will I mean we did illegally"

"How we didn't get caught is beyond me" Miles laughs.

"Yeah some of the stuff we got up to, God"

He gives me a cheeky look when Mako comes in with Buddy, They both look excited and Jackson comes down wearing loose jeans and his Metallica shirt, I kiss him and get Lola's keys out of the bowl in the entry way.

"Mako take Buddy out to Lola will you? I ask, "Cmon Bud" He says walking out the front door, "Miles can you check on Hazel I'm pretty sure she was drinking last night" I say.

"More than happy to do that" He says going upstairs.

"I'm going to go and get Athena and go home, Have fun in Bremer if you see any good properties for sale for me let me know yeah? He says hugging Jackson.

I grab Jackson's hand and we walk out to Lola, I get into the drivers seat and start the engine.

I change into first and we start driving, 2 hours later we arrive in Bremer.

I drive through town and everything is old but in good condition, I wave at people and the radio is loud and Mako is singing along. We get to the edge of town when the properties start getting bigger, Mako points out one that has wheat fields.

I keep driving when a paddock catches my eye it has gum trees everywhere and the light flows through perfectly, It has a massive field and paddocks for animals, I drive into the property and look at Jackson.

I cruise up the driveway and Mako starts to cheer, I stop Lola and get out of the car, Mako let's Buddy out and they both run around in the field. Jackson stands next to me and leans on Lola, "What are you thinking Sweetheart?

"This is it"


"This is our new house"

I look at him with tears in my eyes and he hugs me and I bury my face into his shoulder, I let go and kiss him.

"Makoa! I yell

He comes running over puffing with Buddy who is already covered in dirt, "Mako, What do you think about this place? I ask.

"It has the best energy, I feel like Mum is running around in the fields with me"

I start to cry and I grab Mako and welcome him into my arms, "This is your new home Mako"

He cries and I hold him in my arms, Jackson looks at the real estate sign and calls the number.

"Hello this is Jackson Maddox I'm calling to look at buying this property?

"Hello, It's going from 500,000"

"We will give you 600,000"

"Awesome come to the agency and we'll sign the papers"

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