71. 2nd funeral in less than two months

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Jackson is asleep on the seat next to my bed, I try to stand up and when I do everything hurts, I grab the crutches and make my way to the reception to find the surgeon who operated on Mason.

I get to the reception and surgeons are all around me,

"Did you operate on Mason Maddox? I ask around

"No sorry, But Dr Daniels did"

"Where can I find him or her?

The doctor leads me into a room, The doctor is beautiful her eyes are strong and are bloodshot.

"Hi sorry to bother you, but did you operate on Mason Maddox?

"Yes I did, Are you a partner or a friend?

"I was a close friend, I wanted to know what his injuries were?



"Dani, He got shot in the heart straight through"
"Over and over"

Over and over

Tears start to well in my eyes and Dr Daniels notices she hugs me and I groan at the movement,

"Oh honey I'm sorry"

"It's okay"

"Can I ask what happened"

"Sure but there is a list"

"Go on"

"I got stabbed in the right arm, Shot in the left leg, broken left arm, stabbed in the stomach, broken nose, Stabbed in the chest and broken collarbone"

"Honey, how are you not dead?

"Witch craft I guess" I laugh
"Thank you for telling me what happened to Mason, It will help me rest easier tonight"

I go to leave but I hear her take a deep breath.

"Mason told me about you"


"Mason he told me at the family christmas lunch, what happened in that jail cell"

"How do you know him?

"I'm his cousin Lucy"

I move my body to her and I hug her and cry in to her shoulder.

"Dani it's okay, deep breaths I know this is all overwhelming"

"You had to operate on your cousin, You knew he had no chance of surviving"

"The universe has a way"

I start to cry again and she hugs me and walks me back to my room,

"I guess I will see you at the funeral next week"

I nod my head and she walks away, I walk back into my room and Jackson is still asleep he is drooling and has his mouth open, I sit down on the bed and hold his hand tightly.

I try to call Miles but he isn't picking up I don't want him to be worried.

- 1 week later -

I'm at Jackson's house getting ready for the funeral, He let me stay with him because I was in a lot of pain and it wasn't safe for me at home. He is wearing a black suit and his muscles are toned, I'm wearing a black suit with a vest. Jackson drives us to the church and it's silent until he speaks.

"How many funerals have you been too?

"Random question, But too many"
"This is the second one I've been to in less than two months"

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