85. Finally done

18 1 0

TW - self harm, abuse, overdose, Mental illness

I get to Emma's house and I put the poison in my bag and put my gun up my dress, I grab the bottle of Daniels and open the front door Emma is on the couch watching TV, I slam the front door and Emma turns back to see me.

"No, No get out" She screams

I go to the kitchen and put the Daniels down and put my bag down, Emma comes towards me and pushes me against the fridge, She puts her hands on my throat and I don't gasp for any air she makes her grip tighter but I don't gasp and she keeps going.

She drops me down and I lean against the fridge she stands back and looks horrified.

"What the fuck is wrong with you Danielle?

"You don't think after all of these years I didn't learn you and Thomas's tricks?

"Don't mention him Danielle"


"I will call the police on you Danielle"

"What for saying a name?
"Go ahead they will think your stupid"

She goes to pick up the home phone but I shoot it and she pulls her hand back, The sparks fly up and she looks at me scared. I hold the gun out in front of me and Emma squats down and lifts a panel of the floorboard, I move the gun down to where she is and next thing I know she has a gun pointed at me.

"You don't think I learnt Danielle?

"You don't know how to handle that thing Emma, put it down"

"No actually Danielle I do, Thomas taught me how to use one while you were in rehab, He said you were dangerous and if you ever came near me I would put a bullet through that black heart of yours"

My body shakes with fear and the bottle of poison sits in my bag waiting for it's shot, I grab Emma by the shirt and it tightens against her throat, She gasps and tries to grab my arm to hold on too.

"Don't play games with me Emma"

She tries to say something but her shirt starts to cut into her skin, She kicks her legs and fights to get out of my grip but my hold only gets stronger by each passing second. I let her go and she falls on the ground her hand on her throat gasping for air, I kick her in the stomach and she grabs onto my leg.

I stand back away from her and she is fighting for her life, I point the gun at her and she looks for her gun but I have it behind my back I pull it in front of me she tries to grab it out of my hand but I hit her with it and her nose bleeds, I squat down to where she is and put the guns down they clank against the wood and Emma continues fighting everything.

"Emma, I fought for everything I have okay? I killed people, I self harmed for years, I got abused by you and Thomas, I got into multiple car crashes, I nearly died, I overdosed, I went to rehab"
"You think life was easy? I had to live with the fact that I killed my own father and he won't ever be able to walk me down the aisle, I lost Dylan and it's my fault he's dead because I won a fucking race!

"You're dangerous Danielle, Miles and Scarlett aren't safe living with you no one is! Not even your dog Danielle when your Mum was there with Jacob for dinner she noticed multiple guns hidden around your home"

"You know what's it's like Emma? To be introduced to one of the most dangerous sports at 17 years old to be thrown into that with Men who looked at you daily and made comments about your body? To be cat called every single fucking time I walked past and to be shamed for driving as a girl? You don't know what it was like Emma you have no idea! I have guns in my house because after I moved out there I was scared! I was scared they were going to kill me and they tried again and again I had to go across fucking Australia to Sydney for a year to get away and not be taken away in a body bag"

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