Chapter 16: When Hellhounds Come Knocking

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Klaus's phone started ringing, causing he looked at the number before answering it.

"Stefan, this had better be important," Klaus growled lowly.

As Stefan spoke Klaus's facial expression slowly began to change.

"A-are you sure," Klaus asked, "I mean how do you know though? Do you have any idea what could've killed her?"

There was silence again as everyone seemed to be listening now. The word kill peaking their interests.

"Okay. Okay," Klaus sighed, "I don't plan on being back at Mystic Falls for a while. None of us are going to be back just yet..."

"Well, if the house is pretty locked up," Klaus said, "Then I don't see why no..."

"What... what time exactly," Klaus asked, "Okay. I'll see you then I suppose... Hello? Stefan?"

Klaus looked at his cell phone showing that he hung up on him.

"What was that all about," Elijah asked, "Is everyone alright?"

"Caroline," Klaus said, looking at Elijah, "She's dead."

"I thought you said that you guys didn't kill her," Kol said, knitting his eyebrows.

"We didn't," Sam said, shaking his head, "When we all left, she was still alive. I was the last one out of the house and she was breathing, blinking, and moving when I walked out."

"Then what else could have killed her," Elijah asked.

"We don't know, but Stefan is on his way," Klaus said, "He may have better information on who killed her."

Castiel walked in with plates in his hands. He handed the first two plates to Hope and Kol to eat first. Then started handing out the other plates by two the everyone else. When he finished handing out food Klaus's phone started ringing again.

"Everything okay," Klaus asked, answering the phone.

He went silent for a bit.

"Okay. Yeah. We're next door at the moment but... Hello," Klaus said, "Hello? Stefan?"

There was a knock on the door and Lucifer answered it. A handsome man with chestnut brown messy hair was standing there.

"Is Klaus Mikaelson here," Stefan asked.

"Right here," Klaus said, walking up.

Stefan looked at Klaus, then back at Lucifer.

"You mind if I come in," Stefan asked, needing the invitation.

"Come in," Dean said, since the house was under his name.

When Stefan walked in, he noticed Castiel, Sam, and Jack there as well. He acknowledged them by nodding their way, then turned to Klaus.

"Tell me what happened," Klaus said.

"I had received a phone call from her panicking after I missed about two of them, which she left voicemails," Stefan explained, "When I finally reached her place and was able to go inside she was dead. Her body was ripped open entirely. She looked like she was attacked by some vicious wild animal."

"Do you have the voice mails still," Klaus asked.

"I do," Stefan said, pulling out his cell phone, "But I've listened to it so many times and didn't hear anything out of the ordinary except her voice."

Stefan played the first voice mail.

"Hey, Stefan. It's Caroline. Listen, I need you to pick up the phone I think there's something outside my house. It keeps stalking around it and I hear growling and snarling. I don't know if it's a werewolf but it's huge. Please answer the phone, Stefan, I'm really scared."

Then Caroline gasped as the call dropped.

Klaus played the message again and listened to the background more closely, but didn't hear anything. Lucifer mumbled a low 'oh my father.' Castiel and Jack seemed to have heard what everyone else couldn't either. 

"What is it," Stefan asked, having heard Lucifer's whisper, "You know who did this to her?"

"Not who," Lucifer said, "What."

"What is it," Dean asked, "And how come it's not heard in the background."

"Because you're not angels or Nephilim," Lucifer said, "And it wasn't hunting you."

"That makes no sense," Stefan said, shaking his head.

Lucifer grabbed the phone and played the message again.

"Hey, Stefan..."

There was scratching and snarling heard now. Also banging against the door like it was trying to get inside.

"Please answer the phone Stefan I'm really scared."

There was a crash of something being broken nearby which was followed by Caroline gasping and the call dropping.

Terror written on Dean's and Klaus's faces were frozen there after listening to the message with all of the missing counterparts added. Lucifer gave the phone back to Stefan as Klaus started thinking about his nightmares again.

"No. Please. I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make him mad," Klaus pleaded.

"You should've thought about that before you did what you did," a Hellhound snarled, "Now you have to pay the price in full."

"Let me talk to him and explain. I'm sure he'll understand if we talk..."

"He doesn't want to talk to you anymore! Can't you see, Niklaus Mikaelson, you've crossed the line too many times to come back from anymore," the Hellhound snapped, "No more resets, no more lives. You're going back to where you belong! Straight to hell!"

Klaus grabbed the hand on his shoulder and flipped the person attached. He aimed a dagger at the person's neck while panting. That's when Klaus saw it was Lucifer. He sucked in his breath in realization as Lucifer lay on his back, chuckling.

"Okay. That was pretty smooth," Lucifer laughed, "You really caught me off guard. I mean, wow!"

Klaus put his dagger away and held out his hand for Lucifer. He accepted his outstretched hand and Klaus helped him up. He kept ahold of Lucifer's hand after he stood and placed his other hand further up his arm.

"Are you alright," Klaus asked.

"I said you caught me off guard," Lucifer smiled, "I never said you hurt me."

"Sorry," Klaus apologized, "I was... Distracted."

"By a memory of your previous nightmares," Lucifer said.

"How'd you know," Klaus asked.

"I knew you were having a flashback because it's one of my gifts of being... me," Lucifer said, "I could look and tell you were trapped in your own head at the moment. However, I knew that it was a nightmare because you mumbled in your sleep when you dreamt the last time we were together. By the way, who are you so scared of wronging that you actually resort to pleading for another chance?"

Klaus looked down and shook his head before putting on a smile.

"No one in particular," Klaus lied.

Klaus was about to let go of Lucifer, but he grabbed him tighter and teleported him away.

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