Chapter 27: Never Hurt The Devil's Kin

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 "Wh-what," Jack asked.

"Your father," Kindle repeated, "Who is he?"

"Lucifer," Jack said.

"You're lying," Kindle snapped.

"I'm not. I have no reason to lie about that," Jack said.

"You do here! Lucifer is powerful and dangerous," Kindle said, "Are you just begging to outshine others that you would lie about having Satan as your father!?"

Jack shook his head but as he did Kindle hit him causing Jack to fall from being punched in the eye. Of course, it healed but Jack was shocked that Kindle actually hit him for no reason. Kindle picked him up again and choked him.

"People like you make me sick," Kindle snarled angrily as Jack struggled to breathe.

"I'm sorry, father."

Jack felt his vision start to fade but it returned suddenly at the sound of a horrific crunch and scream. Jack fell to his knees trying gasping to catch his breath as other kids rushed in to the see who was screaming. Jack felt strong, protective arms wrap around him and instantly knew who they belonged to.

"Dad," Jack said.

"I'm sorry, Jack," Lucifer said with guilt in his voice, "I'm so sorry."

"I don't know who you are but you need to leave right now," a man threatened.

Jack felt Lucifer's arms leave him and he looked up to see Lucifer agitated. His eyes shone red in anger.

"You failed to protect my son which almost got him killed," Lucifer said angrily, "And yet you ask me to leave for saving him!?"

There was a lightning storm forming outside as Lucifer yelled. Suddenly Hope ran up to Lucifer. The teacher tried to tell her to get back but she just glared at him before turning to Lucifer.

"Luci, you can talk to me," Hope said calmly, "Tell me what happened and I'll make sure that it gets taken care of. I swear."

"How do I know that," Lucifer asked, "I already let Jack come here on his own and look where that led."

"I know. I was stupid and immature to let him go off with Kindle like that," Hope said, "That's on me. I should've gone with him instead. I'm sorry. But getting more upset won't help anyone. I know it won't."

Lucifer huffed but seemed to refuse to budge. Hope pulled out her phone and called Klaus knowing he'd have better luck with getting Lucifer to go home and talk. The phone rang until Klaus answered and Hope put it on the loudspeaker.

"Hello, Hope," Klaus said.

When Lucifer heard Klaus's voice he turned his head to the phone briefly before turning it back.

"Hey, dad. Did you know that Luci left the house just now," Hope asked.

"Yeah. I'm trying to find him but the guy literally dropped everything. I mean his phone and everything is here. It's not like I can track his scent since he pretty much teleports, it'd be too choppy," Klaus said.

"Well, I found him," Hope said, "He's here."

"Aren't you at school though," Klaus asked, "What is he doing at your school?"

"Want to talk to him, Luci," Hope asked, "He can help you."

Lucifer stayed quiet as everyone stayed looking at him.

"Lucifer," Klaus said finally, "You there, love?"

"Yes," Lucifer said.

"You dropped everything in quite the hurry," Klaus said, "You okay?"

"Angry, disappointed, and guilt," Lucifer said, naming the main emotions that he was feeling.

"I see," Klaus said, "Come back home, Lucifer..."

"But I..."

"We're going to go hunting, okay? You can take me to your favorite hunting grounds and we'll hunt to release your rage and anger," Klaus said, "Afterwards we'll take a walk and talk. Sounds good?"

"But Jack..."

"Jack is going to be okay," Klaus said, "If you don't believe that then send demons with him as bodyguards or something. But Lucifer you can not go out and hurt others yourself. So please come home. Come back to me. And the fact that I'm pleading with you isn't natural for me. So you know I'm being sincere in this and would like it that I could stop begging. I feel like I'm sounding like a total bitch right now..."

Lucifer couldn't help but chuckle.

"Was that a laugh I heard," Klaus asked.

"I'm on my way," Lucifer said.

"Okay," Klaus said, "But Lucifer if you're lying to me so help me will track you down myself. And you won't like me very much if I do."

"I got it," Lucifer said, rolling his eyes.

"I mean it..."

"See you soon..."



Lucifer ended the call and hugged Hope.

"Thank you, kiddo," Lucifer smiled, "Please watch out for your brother though. Because if I come back up here to see that he's getting hurt again, I won't hesitate to disintegrate whoever is hurting him."

"I will," Hope said, "Now you better go. My father wasn't joking around about hunting you down."

"I know," Lucifer said, turning to Jack, "You alright?"

"Yeah. Just foolish," Jack sighed.

"You'll get there," Lucifer said, "But like I said be careful even here. Our family has quite a lot of enemies and people that view us as evil in every way. So watch yourself here."

"Okay," Jack agreed.

Lucifer hugged his son and sighed before letting him go.

"I have to go," Lucifer said, "I'll see you at home."

Then Lucifer vanished with the sound of flapping wings.

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