Chapter 36: Dealing With The Devil

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Lucifer sat on the bed contemplating Michael's words to him. Lucifer also had his wings stretched out across the bed to rest them so they aren't aching from being folded. After all he was still healing himself to angelic level. There was a knock before Klaus walked into the room. Lucifer looked up at him.

"Stretching your wings, I'm guessing," Klaus asked.

"Yeah," Lucifer replied.

Klaus didn't see any more room on the bed for him to sit down without sitting on his wings, so he leaned against the nightstand next to Lucifer instead. Lucifer moved Klaus towards him with his mind to where he was sitting on his lap.

"Cute," Klaus muttered.

"You know you like it," Lucifer smirked.

"Keep telling yourself that," Klaus sassed.

Lucifer chuckled and wrapped his right wing across Klaus protectively. Klaus stared at it as it moved around him. He reached out and ran his hand against his wing. Lucifer moaned instantly, causing him to retract his hand.

"Sorry about that," Klaus said, "I forgot you told me that they can be sensitive to touch..."

Lucifer smacked him in the back of his head with his wing, making Klaus look at the wing in question before throwing a glare at him.

"You forget a lot when it comes to my wings it seems," Lucifer said annoyed.

Klaus sighed.

"I know. I'm sorry," Klaus said, "It just looks really soft."

"You know, touching them is like... It is sex for angels," Lucifer said, "It's intimate and vulnerable."

"I'm assuming no one's ever really touched your wings before," Klaus said.

"No. I never trusted anyone enough to let them," Lucifer said, "But I trust you."

"I'll keep in mind the angel wing sex then," Klaus teased.

"You better be ready when touch the breeding zone then," Lucifer teased, smirking, "I won't be in charge of whatever happens after that."

Klaus raised his eyebrows in question. He was curious about the breeding zone now. He made a mental note to ask later.

"What Michael said downstairs," Klaus said, going back on topic as to why he followed him, "He's right, you know. You don't kill everything you touch. You helped us in unexplainable ways. Lucifer, you managed to be a voice of reason when your brothers were arguing earlier. You may have a title given to you but, as you said to me when we barely met, that doesn't mean that you have to live by it. Besides, Satan or not, you're part of this family. And that won't change. Hope views you as her father as well. I view Jack as my son. We are all here because of you, Luci. Especially since you saved all three of us when we went to hell looking for you. Don't you think you deserve to be loved?"

Lucifer was brought back to his dream where Klaus had changed his nightmare into something beautiful this time. He remembers that Klaus had asked that same question to him in the dream as well.

"Thank you, Klaus," Lucifer smiled.

"Sure thing," Klaus said, getting up, "Now you should go talk to your brother. I'm sure he wants to speak with you and you both have to do that summoning spell too."

Lucifer got up and teleported downstairs with Klaus.

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