Chapter 30: Sending A Demon To Get Pizza

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Hope walked up to Klaus and smiled.

"Hey, dad," Hope said.

"Yes," Klaus said.

"I was wondering if I can invite some friends over to do homework with Jack," Hope asked.

"Are one of these friends that little boyfriend of yours," Klaus asked.

"Well, yeah, but..."

"Then absolutely not," Klaus interrupted.

"Dad, what do you think is going to happen if he comes over, huh," Hope asked, getting slightly irritated, "We kiss and I suddenly end up pregnant?"

"I'll kill him," Klaus muttered, "It's already bad enough that I even have to deal with you and him being together as it is. Him coming over here will become a death wish."

"Okay. What if you and Luci were in the same room as us the whole time," Hope suggested.

"What makes you think I want to be in the same room as a bunch of teenagers," Klaus asked.

Hope rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Dad, come on," Hope said, "There's got to be some way to work this out."

"You know what, Hope," Klaus sighed, "Fine. They can come over..."


"But only if you all stay in the dining room or living room," Klaus said, "Only then would I allow it."

"Thank you," Hope said, hugging Klaus before running off.

Hope grabbed her phone and typed a message to the group chat she set up.

"You guys still outside," Hope asked.

"Yeah," everyone else in the chat but Jack responded.

"Did he say yes," Jack asked.

"Yep," Hope typed, "Come knock on the door and I'll get things prepared."

"Awesome," Clarice typed.

Hope waited for the cue of a knock and went downstairs to set everything up for her friends, boyfriend, and little brother's comfort. Soon everyone was in the living room as Jack came downstairs as well. Lucifer appeared in the living room not expecting there to be any other guests in the house at the moment.

"Oh my god," Stephanie whispered loudly, "I think that's Lucifer!"

"Uh, Klaus," Lucifer called out, walking away from the teenagers.

"That is Lucifer," Hope smiled, "He's a sweet guy trust me."

Klaus walked into the living room with Lucifer tailing him.

"Hey, little ones," Klaus smiled, "I'm sure Hope already told but in case not I'll tell you myself. I'm only allowing you to stay here if you plan on being in the dining room and living room only. Nowhere else..."

"What if we have to use the bathroom," Derek asked.

"There are bushes outside," Klaus said seriously.

"Dad," Hope said.

"I already told you my terms and conditions," Klaus said.

"Well, I assumed that you'd allow them to use the bathroom at least," Hope said.

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