Chapter 1: Nightmares

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A loud howl was heard in the night air. Klaus kept running as fast as he could, knowing that he was being hunted. He tried his hardest to run through the vines and shrubs in the dark without falling. The mansion was so close in view. If he could just reach it in time. Then a large sharp rock that he never noticed before seemed to latch onto his foot throwing him off his balance and making him tumble to the ground. Klaus was about to stand when multiple snarls were heard surrounding him. Klaus looked up to see a wolf standing over his body. Klaus shook his head with wide eyes silently begging the wolf not to attack. The wolf lunged straight at his neck and...


Klaus shot awake while panting and sweating heavily. He quickly checked his neck to make sure no chunks of him were missing. Elijah opened Klaus's door and looked at him.

"Were you... Pleasing yourself," Elijah asked confused.

"What?! Why would you ask that," Klaus said.

"Well, you're sweating pretty hard. You're breathing hard as well," Elijah said, pointing out the signs of someone who was masturbating, "Also, you don't seem to have clothes on either..."

"Elijah! I wasn't doing that," Klaus said, shaking his head.

"I'm not judging," Elijah shrugged, "I mean it happens sometimes when people get bored or in need, but they can't find another person in time..."

"Okay! Okay! Moving forward from that very awkward conversation," Klaus interrupted rather loudly, "What's going on? Why are you waking me up?"

"Waking you up," Elijah asked, "You finally were able to fall asleep again after all of those bad nightmares?"

"Yeah," Klaus sighed, "Only to have another one."

"Same thing, I'm guessing," Elijah asked, tilting his head.

"Yeah, basically," Klaus said.

"I really think we should go track down Bonnie to figure out what's going on," Elijah suggested, "Or even Caroline...."

"NO," Klaus snapped, "I don't need to talk to Bonnie, Elena, or Caroline, alright. I'm fine."

"If this is about you and Caroline's falling out...."

"It's not," Klaus said, "I just don't need extra witch help on this. My nightmares are only nightmares. That's it. Is Hope ready?"

"Everyone is except you," Elijah said, "Which is why I was trying to get your attention. But even for a hybrid, you have a hard time hearing me shouting your name across the entire house."

"Thank you, Elijah. You can leave," Klaus sighed, rolling his eyes.

"Remember Niklaus this is a vacation," Elijah said, "So try to relax and enjoy yourself."

"I should be telling you that," Klaus said.

"We'll be waiting for you outside," Elijah smiled before leaving the room and closing the door behind him.

Klaus sighed deeply and got out of bed. He forgot all about the vacation that Hope begged for nearly all month. Klaus finished dressing and walked out, where everyone else was waiting for him. Hope gave Damon and Stefan one more hug.

"Bye, Uncle Damon and Uncle Stefan," Hope smiled.

"See you later, kid," Stefan said.

"Take plenty of pictures for us alright," Damon said.

"You bet," Hope said, "Tell the others I said I'll see them later as well."

"We will," Damon said.

Klaus leaned back in his seat as Hope got in and sat down next to him.

"We ready," Elijah asked.

"Yep," Hope said.

"Alright," Elijah said, driving away from the mansion.

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