Chapter 23: Shopping Trip

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Klaus and Lucifer walked behind Jack and Hope, who were picking out some boots for Jack now.

"What do you think about these Jack," Hope asked, holding up tan boots.

"Oh, those look," Jack started as he checked the price.

He stopped and back away slowly.

"They looked nice until I realized they're worth more than 20 boxes of nougat," Jack said.

"If I can find some cheaper ones that look like these would you get them," Hope asked.

"Definitely," Jack confirmed.

"Great," Hope smiled, putting the boots in the basket earning a confused look from Jack, "Moving forward."

"Wait. What are you doing with those boots," Jack said, chasing Hope down who went looking for one more pair of shoes for Jack, "Hope! You forgot to put the boots back!"

Lucifer chuckled at them and turned, expecting to see Klaus only to find him gone. He glanced around but didn't see the blonde hybrid anywhere.

"Klaus," Lucifer called about to go search for him.

Klaus showed up with three different bags of clothing.

"You get yourself something," Lucifer asked.

"No," Klaus said, "However, I did get you some things though."

Lucifer knitted his eyebrows.

"What," Lucifer asked.

"You need some more clothes, Luci," Klaus reasoned, shrugging, "So I got you some. We can have you try them on when we get back, alright."

"No. Absolutely not..."

"You don't get a say in this because we're not using your money to buy it," Klaus smiled, "Now, c'mon."

"Klaus," Lucifer growled, chasing after Klaus, who walked away to catch up to Jack and Hope.

As they finished their shopping trip they went to a fast food place to get something to eat. Jack and Hope laughed and talked with their fathers who were teasing each other a lot as well.

"You're acting like a child," Klaus taunted.

"How dare you insult our kids that way," Lucifer teased back.

 An older married couple noticed them teasing each other playfully and walked up, smiling.

"Hi, we couldn't help, but notice your lovely family," the older lady said, "You seem so happy to be together."

"Thank you," Lucifer smiled.

"How long have you two been married," the older man asked.

"Uh," Lucifer stuttered.

"It honestly feels like forever," Klaus answered, instantly with a huge smirk on his face, "He's the best husband I can ask for."

"Aw. How sweet," the older man said.

"Well, we won't keep you too much longer," the older woman said, waving, "You four have a good rest of your day."

"Thank you," Jack said.

"They are such a cute family," the older woman said, walking away.

"Don't I know it," the older man said, "I remember when we acted like that with each other when we first met, but the heart in our eyes was clear as day like theirs are."

Hope and Jack muffled a laugh at the interaction that occurred.

"So we're married now," Lucifer asked, raising his eyebrows at Klaus.

"What's the matter," Klaus teased, "Don't think you'd last a day as my husband?"

"I should be asking you that," Lucifer teased back, resting his chin on his wrist, "You're the one who's had to put up with my craziness, my dear husband."

"Oh, it takes crazy to put up with crazy," Klaus teased, leaning forward, "Did you forget about that part in our wedding vows, love?"

As Lucifer and Klaus stared each other down as Jack and Hope watched on, amused at their childlike behavior with one another. Soon their food came and they continued enjoying each other's company before heading back to where Elijah and the others were waiting at the rental.

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