Chapter 24: Meet Michael The Archangel

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Jack and Lucifer modeled their new clothes for everyone when they got back. Kol and Dean made it more entertaining by having scoreboards for the outfits every time they walked out. When they finished modeling for everyone they changed back to their own clothing.

"So what did Auntie Elena say," Hope asked Elijah.

"She said that she'll add him to the attendance record," Elijah said, "And that he has to be there on the first day back to school to stay enrolled."

"But he's good," Hope asked.

"Yeah," Elijah confirmed.

Jack beamed as Hope threw a wide grin at him.

"Does he need any books or anything," Sam asked.

"Yeah. But he'll get those when he arrives at school," Elijah said, "He's all set basically."

"Awesome. If you don't mind, we'd like to come down with you guys to help set up his room," Dean asked.

"We don't," Kol said quickly, "I can even call Stefan and see if he can help out too."

Dean and Kol wiggled their eyebrows suggestively at Sam, who shook his head at them shamefully.

"When are you guys heading back anyway," Sam asked.

"Well, we're supposed to be staying here for two weeks since that's how long Hope's school is on break," Klaus replied, "After that, we're going to head back."

Sam was about to say more, but a knock on the door interrupted them. Everyone looked at the front door.

"You guys expecting someone," Dean asked.

"No," Elijah replied.

Dean, Sam, and Castiel stood up. Dean and Sam had weapons in their hands, prepared for a battle. Castiel stood in front of Jack protectively as Lucifer did the same. Elijah walked to the door and opened it.

A man with jet black hair, blue eyes with a steely look behind them, and a seemingly perfect figure stood behind there.

"Can I help you with something," Elijah asked.

"I'm looking for my brother," the man said, "Lucifer."

"And your name is," Elijah asked.

"Michael," the man said, "My name is Michael."

Lucifer felt his blood run cold at the familiar name coming for him.

Elijah sighed about to decline knowing who Lucifer is or why he would be here, but Lucifer stepped up knowing how short of a temper Michael usually has.

"Hey Elijah," Lucifer said, "I got this. I can handle..."

Suddenly Michael pushed Azazel to the ground in front of them. Lucifer looked at him as everyone else did as well.

"I found one of your strays loose up here," Michael said to Lucifer, "I thought there was a deal made about these foul things walking freely with no leash."

"There was," Lucifer said, kneeling to Azazel and helping him up.

Azazel gave him a look of gratefulness.

"The thing is this one was supposed to die anyway," Lucifer said, causing Azazel to lose his smile, "He has failed me one too many times."

Lucifer placed his hand on Azazel's forehead and smite him. Azazel fell to the ground, dead and Lucifer looked at Michael.

"What brings you here of all places, brother," Lucifer asked.

"Father sent me," Michael said, stepping inside and over Azazel's body, "He was told by a cupid that you have found your soulmate. He wishes to know who the person is and to meet them."

"So he sent his perfect foot soldier just meet my soulmate," Lucifer asked, "Something about that seems a bit off, don't you think?"

"Are you questioning father's choices again, Lucifer," Michael asked with a glare.

"Why is it that you're not," Lucifer asked.

"Because we have to listen to what is told of us," Michael argued.

"Yes. Because you always listen to daddy, don't you," Lucifer retorted.

Michael punched Lucifer, causing him to fly back and leave a bruise.

"Watch it, Lucifer," Michael growled, "Father, may have given you another chance but you're still on thin ice for the chaos you caused."

Lucifer stood up.

"I want to get things done and go back home," Michael said, "Now bring the person to me."

Lucifer tilted his head and smirked, not willing to give up the identity of his soulmate so easily. But Klaus wasn't going to let this go any further and ran up to Lucifer, stopping him.

"Move, Klaus," Lucifer commanded.

"No," Klaus said, "Just give him what he wants and he'll leave. He already said that he didn't want to be doing this in the first place and wanted to be home."

Lucifer thought about it until finally caving. He grabbed Klaus's hand and walked up to Michael. Michael stared at Klaus with a cold look in his eyes.

"He's not human or angel," Michael said, disapprovingly.

"He may not be but he's mine. Truly, mine," Lucifer said, gripping Klaus's hand tighter, "I'm not losing him to anyone. You'd have to feed me to the empty and pray that I don't get out to take him. I will fight heaven and hell to keep him safe. That includes you and father."

For the first time in a long time as Lucifer looked at his older brother, he saw Michael's gaze softened.

"You truly care about him," Michael said, looking at Lucifer, "Not just for your own personal gain or because he's your grace but because you actually truly want to care."

Lucifer nodded slowly. Michael gave a small smile.

"I have to check to make sure he's healthy though," Michael said calmly.

Lucifer hesitated before moving a little giving Michael his silent permission. Michael stepped forward and held out his hands to Klaus.

"I have to check your overall health," Michael explained, "It won't hurt."

Klaus leaned away from Michael before letting him. Michael touched Klaus' temple reading about his health and more. When he finally stopped and stepped away from Klaus.

"A hybrid," Michael said thoughtfully, "That's interesting. You seem in control of yourself which is also a bit different. Still entirely healthy from what I can see. I'll talk to father about what I recognized."

Lucifer huffed, but kept silent.

"Also, he got enough sassiness to match you tenfold," Michael said, "I like him. So do us all a favor and keep this one, Lucifer. If you lose him there will really be a war between us."

Then Michael vanished in the sound of flapping wings. Klaus let out his held breath.

"I don't know if I'm a huge fan of your brother," Klaus said honestly.

"He gets that a lot surprisingly," Lucifer laughed before finally being able to relax.

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