Chapter 28: Speaking With Alaric Saltzman

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Hope walked Jack to Dr. Alaric Saltzman's office. When they walked in the man greeted them happily.

"Hope," Alaric smiled, "It's good to see you back."

"You as well," Hope said, "This is Jack. He was told that you wanted to see him."

"I do," Alaric said, walking up to him, "Hi, Jack. My name is Dr. Saltzman."

"Hi," Jack said, quietly.

"Something bothering you, Jack," Alaric asked.

"He got attacked by a student that claimed to be showing him to your office," Hope said, "Worst part of it is Jack was interested in this particular student."

"Ah, I'm sorry to hear that," Alaric said, "What's this student's name?"

"Kindle," Jack said.

"Yeah. I've gotten quite a bit complaints about him but I think today is his last straw," Alaric sighed, "It's a shame though. The guy has great potential to be something wonderful in this world but chooses to be an absolute jerk instead."

"Some people view power as a privilege," Jack said, "While others view power as nothing more than a weapon to be abused."

"I agree with that," Alaric said, "Do you have any bad wounds that need to be treated?"

"No," Jack said, "All my wounds healed already."

"Oh so you can heal yourself," Alaric asked.

"I can do more than that," Jack said.

"Okay. Well, how about this," Alaric said, "I'd like to know everything you are capable of doing and what the name of your species is if you don't mind?"

"Nephilim," Jack said, "And I'm not fully aware of my full power base. I've never used any of them except maybe teleporting and healing. I haven't fought or anything of that sort since my father would prefer if I didn't."

"Nephilim, huh," Alaric pondered, "So you're an angel mix?"

"Archangel mix," Jack said.

"So is your angelic parent Jesus," Alaric asked.

"No. Michael is my uncle," Jack said, "My father is Lucifer."

Alaric stumbled clumsily over his own feet while making his way to his desk. He quickly caught his balance and turned to Jack with shock on his face.

"I'm sorry," Alaric said, "Did you say that your father's name is Lucifer? As in the devil Lucifer?"

"Yes," Jack replied.

"Okay, well," Alaric stuttered nervously, "How is it that you and Hope know each other again?"

"Our fathers are soulmates," Hope answered.

"Klaus is soulmates with Lucifer," Alaric asked.

"Yeah," Hope said.

"This is going to end well, isn't it," Alaric mumbled, "End well for them being in world domination."

"My father has no desire to take over the world anymore," Jack reasoned.

"Oh, that's actually very comforting to hear actually," Alaric said sincerely, "So are you interested in training your abilities at all? Or is your father against that as well? I don't want to overstep my boundaries."

"No. He's okay with that," Jack said, "And I'm interested."

"Great. We'll start simple exercises maybe tomorrow then. For now, you two can head back to class," Alaric smiled, "Thank you for coming to see me and I promise to handle Kindle."

"Thank you, Dr. Saltzman," Hope said, walking out with Jack following.

Alaric waved as they left.

"Kid or not, that Jack guy has enough juice in him to destroy this universe and build a new one with a snap of his fingers if he wanted. I could feel his power radiating off of him at the door. He's definitely a child of an archangel. And may God help anyone who decides to fuck with Lucifer's belongings," Alaric thought, "Because God may be the only one capable of stopping Lucifer once he's pissed off enough. Still, I'm surprised Kindle is still alive at the moment. In most cases dealing with powerful beings such as the devil, Kindle would have been dead right now."

Alaric shivered at the thought of Klaus, a powerful hybrid, and Lucifer, the fallen archangel, along with their kids, teaming up against others to take on the school. Yep. If this school pisses off that family everyone here is dead. Alaric took out a bottle of bourbon and drank directly from it. This job is going to be the death of him one day.

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