Chapter 33: Meeting Lucifer's Dad

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Chuck nodded and turned to the other kids.

"I'm going to send each of you back to your homes," he said, "This family and I have a lot to discuss at the moment, privately."

Hope ran to hug Landon and kiss him.

"I'll see you back at school alright," Landon said, "Call me if you need to talk."

"Okay," Hope said, "Be safe."

"You too," Landon said.

Chuck snapped his fingers and teleported all the kids back to their families homes. Chuck turned to Klaus.

"I'm going to teleport Lucifer to your bed," Chuck said, "He can rest there a little easier..."

"What if that person comes back while he is in there," Klaus interrupted.

"If the person comes back then they will not walk out of here alive I assure you," Chuck said, "Not if I'm currently still here."

Klaus somehow believed that to be thoroughly true.

"Alright," Klaus agreed.

Chuck snapped his fingers again making Lucifer teleport to his bed.

"Where is the rest of your family," Chuck asked.

"They're all attending a party at the moment," Klaus responded, "I chose to stay behind this time."

"I see," Chuck said, "Well, I would hate to say this but your family is going to need protection for now."

"What does that mean," Klaus asked.

"Angelic guards," Chuck said, "To assure your safety. This person was after Lucifer as well as you. He didn't die so he had to be sent away instead."

"What does that have to do with my kids," Klaus asked.

"He knows who your kids are, Niklaus," Chuck reasoned, "He won't hesitate in using them as bait to get to you both. Besides Lucifer views Hope as his own daughter as much as he views Jack as his son. And Hope isn't a Nephilim, making her vulnerable to attack."

"She's not as vulnerable as you make her out to be," Klaus said, "Believe me."

"I know," Chuck said, "She can hold her own quite well. But the thing trying to kill you won't hesitate to hurt those you love."

"So what are you suggesting," Klaus asked, knitting his eyebrows.

"I want to have my oldest watching over your kids," Chuck started.

"Michael," Klaus asked, tilting.

"Yes," Chuck said, "Either him or Gabriel who is Lucifer's younger brother. He is also a resilient fighter and powerful. He's been known to create alternate realities with ease."

"I don't like Michael and I barely know Gabriel," Klaus said, shaking his head, "Anyone else?"

"How about this. I can call them both present and have the kids choose who they would prefer to have with them," Chuck suggested, "That will it'll make it easier on both of us."

"If they choose neither," Klaus asked.

"That will be their choice," Chuck said, "And I can figure something else out for you all."

"Deal," Klaus said.

Chuck smiled softly and waved Jack and Hope over to him. Once they were in front of him he snapped his fingers causing Gabriel and Michael to show up beside him.

"Hope and Jack," Chuck started, "These two are also archangels. Both are very powerful. Both can handle themselves in a fight. Who would you like to have around to watch over you both?"

"Well, Michael seemed to do an effective job with healing Lucifer. Plus from what I remember he's capable of beating him in a fight as well," Hope said.

"Yeah," Chuck said.

"And Michael answered my prayer almost immediately when I called to him. He seems able to stay firm and focused in protecting," Jack said, "But I've heard a lot about Gabriel and how he's fun to be around and laid back for the most part. He's not so uptight but also knows when to buckle down and fight. Plus, my father truly adores Gabriel."

"Is both an option," Hope asked.

"I didn't consider that," Chuck suggested, "Rather be safe than sorry, I assume?"

Jack and Hope agreed to the idea of having both of Lucifer's brothers staying here.

"Michael and Gabriel," Chuck said, turning to his two sons, "Do well to take care of this family. Make sure they're safe."

"They're in good hands, sir," Michael said.

"And if the son of a bitch comes back, I'll kill him for even daring to hurt our brother," Gabriel said seriously.

"I'm sure, you will," Chuck said, "Any of you need anything, call. You know how to reach me."

"Yes, father," Michael and Gabriel said in unison before Chuck disappeared.

"I'm going to go check on, dad," Jack said, heading to Klaus's room.

"Okay, I'm going to call Uncle Elijah and tell him what happened," Hope said, "That way my dad won't have to worry about doing so."

Gabriel walked with Jack to Klaus's room while Michael decided to stay with Hope downstairs.

Klaus was already in his bedroom, sitting next to Lucifer in bed while watching him and listening to making sure he was still breathing. A knock on the bedroom door drew his attention and he saw Jack walk in with Gabriel.

"How is he," Jack asked, walking closer.

"Alive," Klaus sighed, "But unconscious..."

He looked at Gabriel, who was looking at Lucifer sadly.

"Gabriel, right," Klaus said, "I met you once in heaven."

Gabriel nodded without looking at Klaus.

"I'm sorry," Klaus said, "I'm sorry you have to deal with this."

Gabriel looked at him finally and gave a small smile.

"Thank you, Niklaus," Gabriel said sincerely, "I'm sorry to you as well. Besides, he's your soulmate as much as he's my brother."

"Thanks," Klaus said.

Lucifer started stirring in his sleep a little turning the attention back to him.

"Is he waking up," Jack asked.

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