Chapter 17: Some Regrets Never Change Reality

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Klaus looked around the room he didn't recognize, yet the place looked fancy and pure.

"Where are we," Klaus asked, looking at the archangel.

"Heaven," Lucifer answered, sitting on the king-sized bed.

"Heaven," Klaus asked with a raised eyebrow, "You're joking."

"No," Lucifer said.

"How is that possible for you? I thought you were the devil," Klaus asked, "No offense."

"None taken," Lucifer smiled, ignoring the question, "You want to explain to me what's going on though?"

He sat next to him in the bed and was about to speak, but there was a knock on the door before it opened.

"I should've gotten rid of that door before talking," Lucifer said with a smile that looked more murderous than happy.

Klaus stared at the man leaning against the door with a look of approval on his face. He looked about his height with hair length almost the same as Sam's but a bit shorter. His eyes were chocolate brown and had a mischievous look to them. Like he was just itching to cause some chaos.

"Sorry for interrupting. I didn't realize you had a special friend over, brother. But I'll leave you be."

"Gabe," Lucifer called out.

Gabriel turned around to face Lucifer with a smirk.

"Can you make sure father doesn't..."

"Your secret is safe with me," Gabriel said, winking, "Who knows how many times I've done the same thing up here."

"Good to know, I guess," Lucifer said.

Gabriel walked out the door and closed it. Lucifer made sure to get rid of the door this time.

"So that was your brother," Klaus asked, turning to Lucifer.

"Gabriel is his name," Lucifer said, "He's my younger brother. He's also an archangel. The third oldest."

"Wow. Is he close with the Winchesters as well," Klaus asked.

"He was a groomsman at Castiel's wedding, so yeah," Lucifer said, "He fought to help them beat me and Michael, which almost got him killed multiple times, but he's a fighter. And he's smart."

Lucifer looked at Klaus.

"You can explain now," Lucifer said, talking about the nightmares.

"I've been having consistent nightmares of the same thing," Klaus explained, "Being chased by what I thought at first werewolves. But for some reason, their aggressive sounds were off. They weren't like how I was used to hearing in wolves. But after hearing that message and what was hunting Caroline, I realized that it wasn't wolves that were hunting me but hellhounds."

Lucifer knitted his eyebrows.

"Why would hellhounds be hunting you unless you sold your soul," Lucifer asked.

"Or unless they were protecting their owner," Klaus said, glancing at him, "Protecting you from what they thought was a threat being me."

Lucifer placed his hand on his thigh. He felt his leg muscles relax underneath his touch.

"I'm sorry you've been having those nightmares," Lucifer said softly, "You mind if I take a closer look at why they keep coming back, though?"

Klaus hesitated as he didn't like other people getting inside his head. It always made him a bit uneasy. But he agreed to the offer, trusting Lucifer. He placed his finger on Klaus's forehead going more into the reasoning for the nightmares. He hummed when he found out why. Lucifer stopped and Klaus gave a look of confusion because he didn't see or feel anything but him putting his finger on his forehead. Lucifer stood up and held out his hand.

"Ready to go back," Lucifer asked.

"What did you see," Klaus questioned.

"I'll let you know when we get back, I promise," Lucifer said, "Come on."

Klaus took his helping hand and Lucifer teleported them back. Stefan flinched at seeing Lucifer and Klaus in the middle of the living room suddenly. Dean rushed in there as well, grabbing the hybrid away from Lucifer roughly.

"What the hell happened," Dean growled at Lucifer, "Where did you take him?!"

"To talk," Lucifer replied.

"You can't fucking do that, you jackass," Dean snapped, "You had us thinking you kidnapped him or tried to hurt him! You just took off with no warning!"

Lucifer was about to say more, but stopped as he realized who he was. He also knew that Klaus wasn't the only one that recognized the sound of hellhounds. Dean recognized them as well. With him taking Klaus, who knows what stories Dean filled into their heads. Arguing was pointless as usual.

"He's being honest, Dean," Klaus reasoned, "We just talked nothing more."

"Nik, you probably don't remember everything," Rebekah reasoned, knowing someone like Lucifer could brainwash him.

"What are you talking about?! Of course, I remember," Klaus argued.

"It's okay, Klaus," Lucifer said, eerily calm with his head down, "They're just trying to protect you..."

"Luci," Klaus started.

"Just let it go," Lucifer said, "Trying to defend me, won't do any good."

Hot tears were starting to form as guilt, shame, and embarrassment bubbled in Lucifer's stomach. He much rather shed tears than allow it to once again turn into pure rage and anger.

"After all," Lucifer said, looking up, "How can you trust the devil? How can anything good come out of Satan?"

He then teleported away as Klaus ran at him to hold him. He didn't reach him before he left though. Klaus did a 360 turn as everyone started checking to make sure he was okay.

"You Motherfucking Bitches," Klaus screamed angrily, making them flinch, "Lucifer was telling the fucking truth! You all just gaslit him as if it was nothing! He didn't hurt me or do anything bad to me! Why would Lucifer hurt his fucking soulmate?! Why would he try to harm me and bring me back here?! Are any of you actually using your fucking brains!?"

"Don't you think he would've tried to defend himself," Kol asked, "I mean we're trying to look out for you..."

"No! You're not," Klaus yelled, balling his fists, "And why is it that he always has to fucking defend himself repeatedly to you people?! Especially Dean, Sam, and Castiel! He's done some things he's not proud of, obviously, but who hasn't?! At least he's made a lot of effort to change himself! To actually be a part of your family, but every time he tries all you three do is throw it back in his fucking face! The only one who hasn't done that is Jack. Jack is the one that gives him hope to keep fighting and trying to continue proving himself to you. But can't you see he's getting exhausted with that?"

Klaus took a few deep breaths to calm himself.

"You guys keep treating him like a monster and the devil," Klaus said, more calmly, "Then that's what he is going to go back to being. Because then he wouldn't have to keep explaining and trying to prove himself to those who don't give a fucking damn."

Klaus stormed out the door as everyone was quiet now.

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