Chapter 42: Can't Be Alone Again

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Michael went to the wall and leaned against it. Hope walked over to him and rubbed his shoulder.

"It's okay, Michael," Hope comforted.

Klaus walked to the couch where Lucifer was lying, dead. He hadn't dared to bury or cremate him yet. He stroked his hair gently. Jack stood beside Klaus.

"His body is gonna start smelling soon if we don't get rid of it soon," Dean reasoned, "I know this hard...."

"Don't touch him," Klaus said.


Klaus grabbed Damon's hand sharply, squeezing a little too hard. Damon grimaced in pain.

"I said, don't touch him," Klaus said, turning towards Damon with red tinted eyes, "He's not dead. He can't be... I... I still feel him... It's not guilt or anything... He's not dead... There's no way.... He's alive."

Dean was about to reason with Klaus further but Michael stopped him.

"You can feel him," Michael asked, staring at Klaus.

He turned to face the archangel and nodded.

"I know you think I'm crazy but..."

"I believe you, Klaus," Michael said, shaking his head, "I think you're being honest with us. He's your soulmate remember? If anyone can tell he's still in there, it's you. Do what feels right by you."

Klaus turned back to Lucifer's corpse and placed his hands on his chest. He traveled up his body until they reached his temple. Klaus's eyes tinted again and he lowered his wings over Lucifer's body. When he covered his wings over him, Lucifer's body jerked upwards and his veins started glowing red throughout his body.

"What happened," Jack asked, panicking, "What went wrong?!"

"There's a link connecting to his heart," Gabriel said, seeing the string going to Lucifer's chest and to the floor.

"What's it connected to? And is it bad," Rebekah asked, worriedly.

Klaus stayed silent as he stared at Lucifer. Gabriel traced it with his eyes and noticed the string's other end was connected to Klaus. Gabriel pointed to him.

"The link is connecting Lucifer to Klaus," Gabriel said.

"Should we stop it," Dean asked, stepping forward.

Jack stopped him.

"No. He's not hurting him," Jack said, "He's... Healing him. Reviving him back to life again."

"How is that possible...?"

Suddenly Klaus's wings spread out and also glowed to where it was seen by even Sam and Dean although they were humans.

"I can feel you," Klaus said, "I can feel you in there."

Everyone stared at Klaus as he stayed staring at Lucifer who was glowing red still.

"Is he talking to Lucif..."

"Shh," Elena said, shushing Damon.

"Come back to me," Klaus said, "You promised me... that you'd protect me. You can't do that if you're dead. So come back. Come home, Lucifer..."

Lucifer opened his eyes and gasped while staring up. His eyes glowed red before he closed them and went limp again. Klaus stopped as well and his eyes changed back while his wings were folded in again. He leaned down and kissed Lucifer on the forehead. As he felt Lucifer's warmth of life returning to him he gave a deep sigh of relief.

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