Chapter 40: Life Wasn't Supposed to be This Hard

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There was a knock on the door and Stefan answered since he, Damon, and Elena were already at the mansion after dropping off the body. Sam, Dean, and Castiel stood there.

"We came as soon as we heard," Sam said.

Stefan let them in since the Mikaelsons' didn't want to move away from Klaus in case he tried to leave or worse he turns off his humanity out of rage and depression. Gabriel and Michael were also there, standing against the walls quietly.

Dean noticed Michael first since he had the looks of John Winchester when he was younger.

"You okay?"

Michael looked up and shook his head.

"No. Not even a little bit but I guess I have to be okay though because I'm the oldest and have to be strong for the others," Michael said, looking at Lucifer's corpse resting on the couch that nobody could manage to burn or bury yet.

Dean stepped up to Michael clearly hearing the pain and guilt spilling heavily in his voice. Dean held out his arms offering him a hug. Michael hesitated before accepting the hug from his true vessel.

"I'm sorry for your loss," Dean said, sincerely, "I truly am."

"Thank you," Michael choked, trying to push down his tears again.

Dean let go of Michael and patted his arm in a comforting manner.

"Where's Jack," Castiel asked.

"In his room," Hope replied, "He's been locked in there all day. He refuses to come out, talk, or let anyone inside. Even me."

Sam looked at Castiel and Dean.

"I can try talking to him," Sam offered.

"It's better than nothing," Dean said.

Sam nodded and walked upstairs to Jack's door. He knocked on it.

"Hey, Jack. It's me, Sam Winchester," Sam said, "I know you don't want to talk or anything but I was hoping that instead of you talking, I can just talk for you. But I'd like to see your face and know that you're still alive at least..."

The door unlocked and Sam took a deep breath before walking inside. He had to look around before he noticed Jack lying down in bed. Sam closed the door behind him and sat on the bed. He placed his hand on Jack's shoulder.

"Hey, buddy," Sam sighed, "Rough day, huh? I heard about what happened. It must be tough dealing with. I'm sorry for your loss and I want to let you know that I'm here for you if ever need to talk at all..."

"It shouldn't have happened," Jack interrupted.

"What," Sam asked.

"Father dying," Jack clarified, "It wasn't supposed to happen. It could've been avoided. If I had teleported away faster father would be alive right now. But he's not because I froze."

"Jack, that's not on you," Sam reasoned, "You can't do that to yourself. It's not your fault. Lucifer may still be alive but he most likely would still be under mind control as well and causing tons of mayhem."

"I don't want him to die," Jack said, his voice shaking, "I need him. I need my father."

Sam picked Jack up a little and hugged him. Jack finally let his tears fall at his embrace. He sobbed into his shoulder as Sam just rubbed his back soothingly.

"You know, Lucifer was so happy to have you as a son," Sam chuckled, "He was excited and could barely hold in his joy. He even claimed that he was willing to buy a whole island for you. Lucifer had never had someone to call a close family member before you. Sure, he had Michael and Gabriel but their relationship was estranged. But after you, he had reason to fight to be someone better for his son. I thought that was a beautiful thing. The entity that was claimed to be evil was so happy to be a father and willing to give anything and everything for him."

"Sam, you knew my father quite well right," Jack asked.

"As well as I could know him," Sam sighed, "I was his true vessel so I had access to him that not many others had before me."

"Did he ever have a falling out with a guy named Mike that looked exactly like Dean," Jack asked.

"Not that I know of," Sam said, a bit disturbed at the description given, "If he did he never mentioned him before. Why? Is Mike the reason why Lucifer was being controlled?"

"Mike was the one controlling him," Jack said, "Michael recognized him and knew his name."

"Interesting," Sam said thoughtfully, "I'm going to talk to Michael and ask more about this Mike character, alright? I want to see what I can dig up about him and how to defeat him."

"Can I go with you," Jack asked, "I want to be a part of this fight, too. Mike killed my father, it's only right that I avenge him."

"That's fine," Sam said, "But don't let revenge be your only drive in beating him. It won't do any good in the long run, believe me."

"Okay," Jack said, getting up.

Sam walked with Jack back downstairs.

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