Chapter 14: Meeting Ramsey

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Klaus took a deep breath and walked to the room Lucifer locked himself in. Klaus leaned against the door before tapping lightly.

"Hey, Lucifer," Klaus said, "It's Klaus. You mind opening up for..."

The door unlocked immediately, not giving Klaus time to finish his request. He opened the door and walked in before closing it behind him. When he turned around, he saw Lucifer was petting something, but couldn't see what it was. Whatever it was, it was large in size because Lucifer was sitting while petting the air next his head.

"What exactly are you doing," Klaus asked, thinking he went completely insane now.

"Petting Ramsey," Lucifer replied, tilting his head back to be able to see Klaus.

"Who," Klaus asked, looking around to see who the fuck he was speaking about.

"Ramsey," Lucifer repeated.

"There's nothing there though, Luci," Klaus said.

Lucifer patted the bed, telling Klaus to sit down next to him. He started walking up when he heard a loud huff of an animal. Then Klaus stopped in his tracks.

"What the bloody hell was that," Klaus asked.

"Sit down," Lucifer said, ignoring his question.

Klaus finally moved again and sat next to Lucifer. Lucifer placed his hand in Klaus's hair reaching his scalp.

"Don't panic," Lucifer ordered.

Klaus was about to ask more questions, but Lucifer opened his vision up more to where he could now see more of the supernatural things that are usually invisible. Klaus's eyes widened as he saw the massive hellhound that was sitting next to Lucifer, who had his hand on the animal's back. The hellhound seemed to be content and relaxed even with Klaus sitting there. It wasn't looking his way or bothered by him being so close.

"That's Ramsey," Klaus asked.

When Klaus said Ramsey's name the enlarged animal turned to look at him with a tilted head of curiousness.

"Yeah," Lucifer replied.

Ramsey then returned to her relaxed state and looked away from Klaus again. He felt something soft brush across his neck. He turned his head only slightly before noticing the beautiful, luxurious wings on Lucifer's back. He had them spread somewhat and resting on the bed behind him. Klaus started thinking that he must've twitched his wings a little which made them rub across his neck. Klaus was tempted to reach out and touch his wings with how soft they looked in person.

"What is it," Lucifer asked, revealing he didn't know that Klaus was able to see his wings spread out on the bed behind them.

"Your wings look so soft, large, and pretty," Klaus complimented, staring at them.

Lucifer quickly moved his wings slightly behind him. A show of slight uneasiness.

"You can see them," Lucifer asked.

"Yeah," Klaus said, "You just moved them behind your back again. Before you had them spread across the bed and it seemed like you were resting them."

Lucifer swallowed thickly before slowly spreading them again and resting them on the bed like before. He had to learn how to fully trust his soulmate eventually, right?

"Can I touch..."

"No," Lucifer said sharply, making Ramsey flinch a little, "Sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you. Not right now, Klaus. Maybe later."

Klaus nodded slowly before moving his eyes away from Lucifer's wings.

"You doing okay though, Luci," Klaus asked.

"Yeah. Why," Lucifer asked.

"You seemed upset with Dean's words, not too long ago," Klaus explained.

"Oh, that. Pfft! I was acting," Lucifer laughed.

"You were," Klaus asked.

"Yeah," Lucifer replied, "I've been called and told a lot worse by others. Besides, if I truly was offended Dean would've been killed. Of course, he would also be brought back to life, but still, I would've killed him without a second thought. It's kind of instinctive with the Winchesters at this point to do that."

"Then why lock yourself in here and act offended," Klaus asked.

"Ramsey," Lucifer replied, "I heard her outside the house and realized that she was here. I needed to let her in without triggering other people like Dean, who has been attacked by hellhounds before. It already gave him bad PTSD and I didn't want to make it worse."

"He actually believed he offended you," Klaus said.

"I know he does," Lucifer shrugged.

There was a knock on the door again and Hope's voice was heard.

"Hey, dad. Uh, Uncle Elijah was going to take me over to Jack's house. I wanted to let you know so you're not worried about me," Hope said.

"Okay, Hope," Klaus said.

"Is Luci okay," Hope asked.

"I'm fine, kiddo," Lucifer said.

"Okay," Hope smiled before leaving.

Klaus smiled at how happy Hope sounds when Lucifer confirmed that he was alright with her. That made Klaus want to take Lucifer to bed again. Klaus realized that probably one of the reasons he and Caroline didn't last either. Hope often had trust issues. When she heard about Caroline choosing someone over him, she never trusted her again. So when Klaus heard that Hope and Lucifer talked normally like friends or like she actually cared about him, Klaus was suspicious about her true intentions behind talking with him. Now he sensed that she trusts Lucifer to not leave them.

Klaus and Lucifer stayed in the locked room enjoying each other's company, not caring whose room they stole at the moment.

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