Part 5

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The alarms loud noise wakes me up. "What the-" I look I over at Nikki who turns off her alarm. Is she kidding? It's seven in the morning! "Why so early?" I ask laying back down, "I have to work out." She says getting up, she walks over to the bathroom and I put the pillow over my head.

After she leaves I try to go back to sleep but it's useless so I decide to get up and take a quick shower. When I'm out the shower changing I hear Nikki walk in. I get out the bathroom and she goes in. It's about eight thirty when I walk down to the lobby to get breakfast. I'm gathering my food when I spot none other than Dean. I'm done getting my food and I turn to walk to my table but then I hear his voice on my head, "Make him like you. It won't be hard, flirt with him come on."

"Hi!" I skip over to where Dean is at. He glances at me, "Hi!" I repeat again, He rolls his eyes and sighs. "Aren't you going to answer?" I ask reaching over and getting bacon even though I don't need it. "This food looks good doesn't it?" He looks at me coldly, "Why are you talking to me?"

"Well I like to make new friends and stuff. I've never talked to you and I thought that maybe-" he interrupts me, "Yeah but here's the thing I don't want to be your friend or anything." He walks away to another section and I stand there looking at him. He glances at me and sees me staring and he makes this face, I walk over to an empty table and sit down.


I stop scrolling through my phone when I hear a knock on the door. Nikki is in the bathroom doing something so I get up to get it. "Oh hey there Aj!" Seth says, "Hey Seth!" I say smiling. Why does he have to be taken? Why couldn't he be the guy? "Is Nicole here?" Oh right Nikki's name is Nicole. "Yeah she's in the bathroom, do you want me to tell her something?"

"Oh well actually I was hoping that she was ready. We are going out with friends to eat to this restaurant/bar. You should come with us." He smiles, "I will think about it. What's the name?" I lean on the door, "Seven Grand. If you get bored just come along." He says that and two seconds later Nikki walks out the bathroom looking stunning. She's wearing a white dress that hugs her curves perfectly. "Wow! You look flawless darling. I was just asking Aj about you."

"Thank you! And I'm here now." She says, I move out the way so she can get by. "Okay let's go." Seth waves goodbye and I close the door behind them. After Dean kind of rejected me this morning I'm not in the mood to get rejected again. But I have this pride in me- and honestly it bothers me so much. The fact that I can't get to Dean, the fact that he doesn't like my charm. I mean it's true nobody likes me but so many guys have fallen for my glamour and I can't stand the fact that Dean doesn't like it.

So I open my suitcase and take out a dark red tight dress that I have with me. After I put it on I apply some mascara, I don't really like eye shadow that much. Then I get in my heels which I totally hate. I'm more of a converse girl but tonight I have to look my best.

By the time I arrive at Seven Grand the place is packed. It's dark and theres just colorful lights in the corners giving the place some light. It's divided in two parts, one is for eating and the other part is for drinking and dancing. "Only one?" The waiter asks as I look around to see if I spot someone familiar. "Yes, only one." I say. "It'll be 15 dollars." I pay the man and walk to the bar section.

There's a whole bunch of dancing going on and I cut through a crowd. I take a seat on a table. I see Eva's red flaming hair and with her Emma and Paige. They see me and I wave at them, Paige and Emma wave back but Eva pretends she doesn't see me. Typical.

I go over to the bar and get a drink. Typically I don't drink but tonight I feel like it. I stare at the alcohol bottles while the bartender preparers my drink. "Vodka please." I turn to my right and see Dean. He sees me and a I grin, "Hello Dean."

Of course he doesn't answer. I get my drink and start drinking, he stares at me as I gulp it down. "Vodka is pretty strong." I say as I put the glass down. He gives me a look, "Why are you still talking to me?"

"Well you're right here next to me so I thought maybe I should start a conversation." The bartender hand him the vodka. "Yeah well no." He takes the drink, "Hey want to dance?"

"Don't you like have a boyfriend?" I hold my breath.. Crap. "No. I don't." I say picking up my glass and gulping the rest down. "You should get yourself one then. That way he can dance like you." He drinks some of his vodka, "But we are right here, why not dance?"

"No. I don't dance. And if I did I wouldn't dance with you." He puts he glass down and walks away. This is going to be impossible. I sit there for a few minutes and finally I get up. Dean is talking to Summer Rae, she's flipping her hair dramatically and then she whispers something in his ear and he nods smiling. They walk over to the dance floor and start dancing. I get up feeling offended, he didn't dance with me but he danced with her? I walk out the bar feeling stupid. Why did I even come knowing I was going to be rejected again? I call a taxi and wait for it to arrive.

"Psst, psstt sexy." I turn around and see a drunk man smirking. He stares me down and I get a shiver down my spine. "Leave me alone." I say coldly. "Why so alone baby?" He steps closer and I can smell his breath, he stinks really bad. "Leave me alone!" I step back starting to freak out. "No come here." He grabs me and I push him away I step back but twist my ankle a little, I try to take off my heel as he approaches me again. "Hey you dick head leave her alone." Dean booms, I look at him confused. Is he drunk? Probably. Otherwise he wouldn't be defending me. "What are you going to do huh?" He gets in his face and Dean punches him. He's going to do it again and I know Dean is capable of hurting this guy really bad. I get in front of Dean who is easily a foot taller than me. "No Dean, it's not worth it." The guy gets up spitting blood. "You know what? You can have her! She's not even that hot." He walks away cursing and I stare at Dean as he breaths really fast. "Thank you." I whisper, Dean doesn't say anything and walks away.

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