Part 35

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"Woah, what are you doing here so early?" Roman asks as he walks in the gym. I put my weights down and wipe some sweat off my forehead. "Well, I woke up early and decided to come out here and work out some. Is Dean awake yet?" I ask and he nods, "Yeah. He should be here any second." Roman says as he begins stretching.

I'm about to pick up my weights again when I get a phone call. From him. Roman looks to busy stretching that I walk away and answer the phone. "What?" I whisper harshly. "Hey there, why so moody?" I turn to look at Roman who is still not paying attention.

"I'm in the gym, I can't talk right now." He sighs, "Okay. It's like I can't even talk to you anymore." It's strange that he cares about that, I use to be the one that called him all the time, the one that always looked for him and now it's backwards. What made him change his mind? "Later." I simply say, "Alright, bye."

"Bye-" before I can hang up he speaks up again. "I love you." I hold my breath and don't answer for a few seconds, it's like the words are trapped in my throat and I can't get the out. I simply hang up and turn around, when I turn around I bump into Dean who grabs me by the waist so I want fall. "Dean." I say feeling my whole blood go cold. "Be careful there." He says, "I- I didn't hear you come in." Did he hear me talk on the phone?

"You were on your phone, that's why." He says. "Oh." It's all I can say. "Are you ready for TLC?" Dean asks as he begins stretching, I continue to exercise and I almost forgot TLC is this Sunday. "I'm kind of nervous." I answer honestly.

I do worry about Championship matches, we might get storylines and stuff but the matches are for real. Nikki is pretty intimidating, she's been Champion for a while now. She's pretty sneaky and now that she's part of the authority there's no way it's going to be easier. In fact it's going to be harder. "Don't be, you got this." He says with that warm smile that melts my heart.

He's just breathtaking.. I never thought a human being could be as perfect as him.

I wait for Dean as he gets done with an interview he has. Ever since The Shield split up the three boys have had so much more fame. They're each doing their own thing, like Roman is in this crazy storyline with Bray while Seth and Dean are going against each other for the World Heavyweight Championship. "How was the interview?" I ask as we walk to his car. "It was awesome. Do you want to go eat somewhere?" He asks and I nod, "That'll be nice." He opens the car door for me and I wait for him to get in.

"When did we even start with this?" He asks with a smile as he buckles me up. "It was that night-" I stop when I see Deans face. "That night." He repeats with a sigh. "Anyways, where are we going to eat?" I ask completely changing the subject. "Wherever you want to go." He says. I pick a random restaurant where they cook burgers.

We go in and some people recognize us. They ask for a picture and I step out the way so the girl can take a picture with Dean. "No, no, I want you in the picture too." She says, I step beside her and put my arm around her as Dean is on the other side.

After they take a picture we go sit down, "Don't you just love our fans." He says as he's looking through the menu. "I do. They give me strength and make me feel loved." I say, he looks at me. "We are more alike than you think."

I tilt my head to the side, "Really?" He nods. "My life hasn't been so great." I look at him sadly, "Why?" I ask. "My childhood was kind of sucky, and I know I have plenty of friends but I still felt pretty empty. You somehow managed to fill that emptiness up. Have I managed to feel your emptiness up?" I nod my head quickly, it amazes me how much Dean and I have in common. "Oh yes."

After we order our food we start eating. When we are halfway done I get curiosity so I have to ask, "Did you noticed I'm a loner?" He frowns, "You're not a loner."

"You and I both know, I am." I say taking a sip of my drink. "Who tells you all of this?" I give him a look, "What do you mean?" I ask putting my cup down. "Who fills up your head with all of these thoughts?" I curl my toes, "No-nobody."

"There has to be somebody, you can't be the one that constantly tells yourself that." I look down at my food as I bite the inside of my cheek. "Why won't you let me in?" He finally says.

I look at him and suddenly feel ashamed. My conscience won't leave me alone, it's torturing me. For lying to Dean. "I just-" I don't even know what to tell him.

"What are you hiding from me?" I shake my head, "Nothing." Once again I've backed out and I'm a coward. "I'll give you time." He says stretching over to grab my hand.

Dean is so different from him in so many ways. Dean is sweet and caring and most of all he understands me-

something nobody has ever done.

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