Part 46

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When I enter the party I soon regret coming. Probably half of the locker room (if not the whole locker room) is here. They're dancing, drinking, having a blast. "Ladies!" Nikki says approaching us.

"Hello, thanks for coming." She says handing us a glass with champagne. I've never actually liked it. I don't like alcohol period. But I take it anyways and pretend like I'm drinking when I'm not.

"Do you want to dance with us?" Paige asks, "No, no. I can't dance." I say, she pulls me making me spill champagne over my hand.

I wrinkle my nose because now I'm going to be sticky. I put the cup down as in being dragged to go dancing. "I suck at dancing, I really can't." I say looking at the girls who have now started to dance.

"Just let the music speak to your body." Emma says, "Come on move!" Natalya says who's dancing with Tyson. I start to move awkwardly, they all can dance and here I am probably looking stupid.

"I- I'm going to go to the bathroom." I tell them, "Okay but you better come back!" Paige says, I nod my head even though I'm not really sure I'm coming back. After all I was pretty much embarrassing myself.

I walk through the the crowd only to realize I have no idea where the bathroom is at. I sigh waking in the kitchen and sitting down on a chair. I'm already tired from wearing this huge heels. And I haven't even seen Dean, he's the reason I came.

He probably didn't come because he knew I'd be here. Of course that's why. Gosh, I'm so stupid.

Dean doesn't want to see me, he made it pretty clear. I put my arms down and lay my head down closing my eyes.

The music is playing very loud and I can hear the laughing and screaming. I wonder if the neighbors will soon call the police because of the noise.

I'm to deep into my thoughts when I feel a pair of hands around my waist. I quickly look up startled, "What are you doing here?" I ask Punk who's got a grin on his face.

I get up, he looks at me from head to toe. "Wow Aj, you clean up good." He smirks. I try to walk away but he grabs me by the arm pulling me back, "Not so fast baby. Why have you been ignoring me? Are you still not over that freak?"

I pull my arm away harshly, "He's not a freak. Don't call him that." He rolls his eyes, "He is a freak. I don't understand why you even bother to think of him because you have me."

He takes a cup and gulps it down fast. He's already drunk, way too drunk, I can tell by the way he's speaking. "You love me- you know you do." He smirks getting closer to my face.

I smell the alcohol and push him away, "I thought I did. But you know what? You never showed me what love was. I never knew what love felt like. Dean showed me what love truly is, he makes me happy. Unlike you, who only uses me."

He chuckles and drinks another cup. "Oh really?" I nod my head, "You never cared about me." He sighs, "I do care about you." I laugh.

"Funny way of showing it. You never did anything for me. I always put you first and you never ever even bothered to think about me, about my feelings.

Do I have to remind you how many times you've hurt me? I have forgiven you more times than I can count. You only care about yourself Phillip," I don't realize how angry I am and I start poking his chest angry with my finger as I keep walking towards him. "You're nothing but a careless cold hearted person!"

He grabs my hand harshly, "You want me to show you what a careless cold hearted person is? Huh?" I try to pull away but his grip has gotten so tight.

"Let me go!" I scream but nobody hears me. "No, no. Let's have some fun." He sounds pissed off and grabs me so tight.

He grabs my waist harshly as he pulls me closer and pushed me to the wall. He smirks licking his lips and I'm actually terrified.

I push him away and I try to run but the stupid heels make me trip and he grabs me, he starts walking dragging me behind. He's walking thorough the crowd then stops in the middle of everybody.

"Attention everybody!" He screams loudly over the music. I freeze as everybody turns to look, somebody stops playing the music and now it's completely silent.

My heart starts beating loudly. What is he going to do? "Aj Lee, or should I say April Mendez," he points at me as my cheeks redden in embarrassment.

"Thinks I'm a heartless cold hearted person. I think that's quite funny because I'm the only one that's EVER been here for her. We all knows she's a fucking loner, I mean look at yourself Aj. You might have the body, you might have the face but at the end of the day nobody likes to be around you." He grins and takes a sip out of his cup, I catch Summer Rae in the back laughing. She's enjoying this.

"You know why? Girls here don't want to be your friend because they're afraid you're going to steal their man. We all know that you've fucked about every guy here, and guys well they don't want to be with you because they might catch an STD." He laughs and my eyes start filling up with tears, I'm looking at the back and I see Dean walk out of the bathroom.

He's confused and looks at me but I look down. Why am I still here? Being humiliated? I try to walk away but he stops me, "No, no. I'm not done yet."

"Punk that's enough." Seth says, "You stay out of this." He says. "I would like to remind you this is my house, and I can't tolerate that you're treating her this way." By now Dean is making his way through the crowd.

"But I'm not done with the fun yet. Look at you being all sad! You should feel happy I'm giving you some attention, because you're a attention seeking whore. Oh! Aj! Are you- are you crying?" He says with a smirk, I'm looking at the floor and suddenly he walks to me and snatches the glasses out of my face.

"Can you still see me Aj? Or is it a little blurry?" He laughs and that's when I see Dean punch him. I step back wiping my tears, "Don't you ever fucking mess with her again. You heard me piece of shit!"

He punches him again and Roman and Seth step in to pull him away. Punk gets up spitting blood and cursing at him. Roman grabs Punk who's pissed off. "It's better for you to go." He says as he grabs him and starts pulling him away. On the way out he's still screaming at Dean.

They're all looking at me. Dean pulls away from Seths grip, he takes a few deep breaths. I turn around and run out the back door. That was so embarrassing.

I can't believe he just said that, in front of everybody! I'm going to be the joke, I was just starting to make friends and now they're probably not going to want to hang out with me.

I cover my face and cry, I'm beyond ashamed. I don't think I've ever been this embarrassed before.

"Aj." Dean says, I quickly wipe my tears so he won't see. He walks to me and puts my glasses back on. "I'm sorry." He says.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there before to stop everything." I know Dean doesn't want anything to do with me at this point but I hug him tight as I feel the knot in my throat get bigger.

Even though I feel like he's not going to hug me back he does. "Thank you." I say burying my face in his chest.

"I made you a promise. Remember?"

Of course I remember. A promise that said he'd never leave me like everybody else.

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