Part 37

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My palms are sweating like crazy. This is it. It's time to go out there and try to win the Divas Championship. I close my eyes and breath in and out slowly.

I've had tons of matches and pay-per-views but I still get butterflies and get this puking feeling. "You'll do just fine." Dean says and I open my eyes and see him smiling.

He kisses the top of my head and wraps his arm around me, I get on my tippy toes and wrap my arms around him. "Woah don't break my neck." He says as I squeeze my arms tighter to him, "Sorry," I chuckle letting go. "I'm just nervous."

"I know, I know. But like I said you're going to do amazing. I can feel it!" He grins and I sigh happily. He gives me feels, and I never get tired of seeing his smile. Never.

"Thank you. It means the world to me that you believe in me." I smile. "No need to thank me." He kisses my cheek, then he pulls away but stops in front of my face.

For a second I forget I have a boyfriend and I want to kiss him, I want to know how his lips feel. I bet they're soft and delicate like him. We're leaning in closer and we are so close to kissing but then I get my call. "Ready, Ms. Lee?"

I quickly pull away and nod feeling my chest flutter. "Darn." Dean whispers as I walk away. "You got this!" He finally says as I'm down the hall.

Nikki is behind the curtain and she moves out the way so I can get through. "Good luck." She says, "Good luck to you too." I answer with a smile. My song starts playing and I skip out grinning. I step in the ring and sit on the middle rope waiting for Nikki to walk out.

To my surprise she walks out alone. Without no Seth. She puts her title up in the air and smiles as she gets booed for being Princess Authority. As soon as she's in the ring I hop out and stand in front of her. The referee takes her title and holds it up, then when he puts it down the bell rings.

When it rings I start attacking Nikki. My stomach is still in knots, I'm still worried and I'm not feeling confident. But then the crowd starts cheering and I remember Deans words in my head.

He believes in me. My fans believe in me. I get this shiver down my spine as adrenaline kicks in my body. I grab Nikki by the hair and slam her face down to the mat, she yelps as I grin evilly skipping around her.

Part of my character is to play mind games. She tries to get up and I get down and start doing push-ups. That's something Nikki does to make fun of whoever is in the ring with her.

When she sees me doing them she groans. I quickly get up and run to her punching her on the face. She falls to the floor again and she's struggling to get up. I then remember Seth's finisher. The curb stump.

A smile spreads across my face and I laugh. Nikki looks at me and when she's about to get up I run curb stumping her to the mat. The crowd starts going crazy, they're cheering my name and I feel so powerful- so important.

I pin her, the referee is on 2 and a half when Nikki barely kicks out. The crowd boos as she kicks out and I groan grabbing my hair.

She's breathing fast and I'm impressed by her devotion to stay in the match. I grab her by the hair but the referee starts screaming at me to let go.

She gets up and as I'm running to her she moves out the way and I run into a pole. I get up rubbing my shoulder. She's staring at me from across the ring. She's still hurt from the curb stomp and I know just how to finish her.

In less than a second I'm across the ring wrapped around her body. She's screaming in pain as the referee is asking her if she taps out. Nikki just keeps repeating "no, no, no."

Her hand is shaking and she's about to tap out when Deans music starts playing. I'm caught off guard and I'm so distracted by it that I let go and Nikki walks backwards hitting my back against the pole. She quickly crawls out the ring and I'm speechless. I'm looking at the entrance waiting for Dean.

Why would he do this to me? Why would he distract me like this?

His music stops playing and I realize the referee is counting. Nikki crawls back at 6 and I get up still feeling confused. I know I caused some damage on her because she looks hurt.

I'm trying to concentrate and I kick her but she catches my leg and punches me throwing me back. I hit my head on the mat and feel an instant pain but I still get up.

I'm about to run to her when Deans music starts playing again. I turn around and I'm waiting for him to come out. My mouth drops open when I see Seth walking out laughing.

Now I understand everything, Dean wasn't going to come out. Seth starts walking toward the ring. Dean wasn't trying to ruin my Match. This was all the authority. I turn around and I am met by a punch on the face I fall back hiting my head again, Nikki picks me up and quickly does the rack attack on me.

I don't have the strength to kick out because my spine is in so much pain. She pins me winning the match. I can't even open my eyes, I feel a huge disappointment. "The authority always wins!" Seth screams.

Suddenly Deans storms out, "Get out of here!" Dean screams furiously. Nikki and Seth quickly get out running away. "You'll pay for this!" He screams. He then helps me get up, I look at him sadly as he puts his arm around me. "It's okay, you'll get a rematch." He whispers as we walk backstage.

Dean is screaming for another referee to get out, he accidentally knocked out the other one. He's got Seth on the ground, Nikki is screaming at him telling him to get up.

The crowd cheers as another referee runs in there.
My heart is racing when Dean is pinning Seth. The referee counts to three and I scream as Deans mouth drops open. The referee hands him the WWE World Heavyweight Championship and I run in the ring hugging him. Nikki screams as she gets in the ring to help Seth up.

Seth looks shocked when he finally realizes that Dean is the new champion. The crowd is screaming Deans name, I'm still hugging him like crazy.

But then the other referee walks in the ring."I was the referee in this match-" he's arguing with the other referee. Suddenly they announce that the match is not valuable.

"You have to give it back sir." The referee says walking to Dean, the crowd is booing and Seth and Nikki are grinning. "We always win." Nikki says.

I grab the Championship and Dean nods his head approving, the referee looks confused and I quickly run out the ring. Dean hits the referee across the face and pushes him to Seth.

Nikki runs after me but I jump in the crowd, seconds later Dean comes after me. He picks up the title in the air and I'm laughing as Nikki looks furious.

We are in the middle of the crowd and they're all screaming congratulating us. Dean all of the sudden kisses me. Not in the cheek but in the lips.

I look at him shocked as he puts his arm around me happily still with the title in the air. "Sorry, I couldn't resist it." He whispers.

I know I'm not suppose to like it, and I'm suppose to feel terrible about this but I can't help to smile and blush as I wrap my arms around him.

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