Part 9

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Everybody goes out on the weekends. Either during day or during the night. Yet here I am in my hotel room on a Sunday night while everybody is going out. Nikki is suppose to be my roommate yet she's never here. She's either with Seth or with her friends. My only "friend" here was Tamina. We weren't best friends or anything but she at least talked to me. But then she got injured and since then I haven't seen or talked to her.

I finally get up from my bed and get in some jeans and a blouse. I'm tired of feeling like an uncool kid. If everybody is out having fun with their friends, why can't I? Who needs friends anyways? After I brush my hair I go down to the lobby and into the parking lot. I should be calling a taxi but my phone has no signal. Great. Just great. "Need a ride?"

I turn around and see John.. John as in John Cena. "No." I simply say. John and I also had a thing- good lord. I  did like him, a lot actually but after our storyline ended he laid eyes on Nikki Bella. Deep inside me I felt like he also liked me, it was all acting though. And who could blame him for changing me for Nikki Bella? She's way better. "Oh I'm sure you do if you're standing here in the parking lot." He smiles showing his dimples. If I still liked him I would think he's got a cute smile but now I just feel like punching him until his stupid dimples disappear.

"Or are you waiting for your new lover?" New lover? "What are you talking about?" I ask crossing my arms around my chest. "You know who. I know you've laid your eyes on Dean Ambrose. Trying to get him too huh?" He chuckles and oh how I wish he'd go away. I turn around and start walking to who knows where I just want to get away from him. "Or is it Roman? I saw you leave with them two the other night. Mmm Aj I didn't know you liked two at a time." He laughs like it's funny and I turn back around feeling so offended. "I'm just playing, darling!" He's still laughing though, he stops once he sees my face. "Oh come on, cheer up. Don't be a party popper." He steps closer and grabs my face. I push him away harshly. "Get away from me!"

"It was a joke cheer up." He tries to come close again and I push him away harder, he doesn't move much. "That wasn't funny." Even though he was kidding it hurt my feelings. "I'm sorry. It's just a little joke you know? Cause like you've gone out with Dolph, Daniel, me, Cody," I hold my breath as I feel anger in me. "I even think you had something to do with Goldust."He starts laughing again as I feel tears on my eyes. "Stop it that's not funny."

"Wasn't Big E your lover too? And I think the camera man and the photographer, I think even Adam rose!" He is screaming it to the whole world basically. "Stop!" I scream, he laughs louder. "How do all those guys taste?"

I see a shadow walking out the hotel and I blink really fast to stop myself from crying. "Oh hey! There's your new lover." He looks at Dean who is walking to his car. "What did you say?" Dean puts his keys in his pockets and walks to where John and I are standing. "You're her new lover." John smirks looking at me as I feel my face get red. "I'm not her lover." Dean simply says. "That's not what I saw." He looks at him and then at me.

"You're such a jerk." I say to John, "A jerk? For telling the truth? I'm not the one with that kind of reputation." I look down at the floor. "Whatever." It's all I can say and I try to get by him but he doesn't move. "Aj, love. I'm just kidding. It's a joke." He tries to give me a kiss on the cheek but I step back. "Stop." Dean says. "What? Jealous?" He grabs me by the waist and Dean pushes him away. "No Im not jealous but she said stop."

John chuckles, "Ha, yeah okay. You know you're just jelly cause you're her new boyfriend." John grins and Dean pushes him again, this time harder that he falls. I've never been so happy to see John fall. "I'm not her boyfriend. And don't forget I already beat your ass, remember when you tried to jump Seth? Who was the one that almost broke your nose? I was. Don't fucking mess with me." John gets up angry but he doesn't push back or anything. "You're not worth it. Stay with her, nobody wants her anyways." He walks away furious.

Dean looks pissed off too. "You should've just left." I say, he looks at me. "Oh so you wanted me to let him do all that?" I shake my head no, "Exactly that's why I just pushed him." He takes out his car keys and looks for his car. "But now you're going to be late to your date with Summer."

"How do you know?" He asks. "Well she was screaming it to the world." His phone starts ringing and he looks at it then he cusses. "Uh-oh better get to her before she explodes. But let me just tell you something, I'm sure you can do better." I start to walk back to the hotel And as I reach the door I hear Deans car. I turn around to see him drive away.

Minutes later I'm back in my hotel room. Alone. I shouldn't have gone out at all. That way I wouldn't have seen John and he wouldn't have said that. I sigh staring at the ceiling.

While I'm here stuck in these four walls, people are out. While I'm here- Dean is with Summer.

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