Part 8

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"How's everything with Dean?" He says into the phone. "Well geez, no good morning? Or how are you?" I pull on my shirt as I sit on an empty table. "My bad, good morning gorgeous. How's everything?" His good morning sounded more like forced. "It's getting worse everyday. Look I'm trying okay but Dean is just- he doesn't like me."

"Here we go again. That's hard to believe! You are Aj, your charm has to work on him somehow." He's complaining but the thing is he does not know how Dean is. When I don't answer after a few seconds he says, "That guy is a total flirt, trust me I know him. He literally flirts with every diva."

Dean walks in the room laughing with Seth. They get breakfast as they're talking about something that's totally hilarious. "Yeah he flirts with everybody but me." They sit at a table and then Roman joins them. I wonder where Nikki is at, she should be with Seth. She's probably still getting ready upstairs. Unlike me, Nikki has a reason to look good .. Not that she doesn't look good or anything but she has a motive to dress pretty and stuff. Whereas I came down here with a messy bun, jeans and a T-shirt. No wonder Dean doesn't even look at me. "That's just hard to believe."

"Why? Because every guy that I've flirted me has fallen for me? Well let me just tell you something, Ambrose is different. He's not into me at all, in fact he despises me so much I can see it when he even glances at me. I'm giving up on this." I stare at the table as I'm waiting for his response. "You can't. Not now, they've already announced that match between Dean and you against Seth and Nikki." Of course he would bring up the match that's happening on Raw. "I know that. But Im sure that's only going to happen one time. Jane asked him if he was willing to do a romantic storyline with me but Dean said no. I tried to convinced him but I couldn't."

"Keep trying." You know when you get super frustrated that you just want to bang your head against anything so it would stop your frustration? Yeah, that's how I feel right now. "Oh my God!" It comes out as a scream and I don't even dare to look up because I know people will be staring. "Uh-" before he can talk I interrupt him because I already know what's he's going to say. "Yeah, yeah. I know, I gotta keep trying. Just keep in mind that I'm doing this for you. And only you." I hang up before he even has time to say anything. He calls again but honestly I'm not in the mood. He made me mad, like always.

I look up from looking at the table, the first person I make eye contact with is Dean. His colorful eyes look directly at mine, I don't look away but he does. If I wasn't so tiny I would think that I've intimidated him.

I'm sitting in the lobby waiting for lunch hour because during breakfast I didn't really eat much. People walk by me and they look at me, I'm almost sure they know who I am. But the thing is they don't know me- not really. They might know the popular confident Aj in the ring but they don't know the real pathetic me.

"Oh my gosh yessss!" Summer Rae walks in the hotel, she's wearing sunglasses and she's with Alicia and Layla. "That top is so cute though. I'm so glad I got it." Layla ties her hair up in a pony tail while holding her shopping bag with another hand. Summer spots me sitting in the couch and she takes off her sunglasses to look at me. She gives me a nasty look, "Yeah I'm so going to wear that tight dress I bought tonight on my date with Dean." She emphasizes date like I couldn't hear or something. She's talking to Layla and Alicia but is looking straight at me, her faces breaks into a smile and I smile back. "You're so lucky to go out with him. He's super hot." Alicia says as she's looking for something in her purse. "He's gorgeous." Layla adds as Summer nods.

"Indeed yes he is. And I will not stop until he's mine." She says this as she walks by me, Layla and Alicia walk behind her. Was that a threat? It sure did sound like a threat. But we will see who wins this. Because one thing is for sure I will not stop until Dean falls for me. I will get to him somehow.

Dean walks out the elevator as I get up, I smile at him while waving. He doesn't say anything but doesn't make a disgusted face so we're getting somewhere. "Are you waiting for food too?" I ask and he nods staring at the screen on his phone. He better not be texting that fake bleached barbie. "Gross." I don't even realize I say that and he looks up. "Are you calling me gross?"

"No! No! I would never call you gross in fact you're the opposite of gross you're-" gorgeous, hot, sexy.. Oh God how sexy. How come I never noticed? He looks at me like saying "Why are you looking at me?" So I look away and make my focus on the clock that's behind him. "Pleasant." I finally say. I quickly glance at him and he's looking at me like I'm a weirdo. I clear my throat and he turns to the right and starts walking to the bathroom. "See you later Deanie!" The Deanie comes out like a whisper because I totally forgot he hates being called that.

This is definitely going to be challenging.

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