Part 43

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"Do you want to come with us?" Paige asks as we step in the lobby. Today we are in Las Vegas, we just got here a few seconds ago.

It kind of sucked having to ride the bus again, I was so used to riding with Dean. Thank God I got on the bus to get a seat, Natalya ended up sitting beside me and she's nice so I'm glad.

"Where?" I ask adjusting my glasses. "Well we are going to eat dinner tonight. The girls and I." She says with her thick heavy British accent.

"Oh well- sure." I smile happy, they invited me. At least I won't be locked in the room alone the whole night. "Great! Meet us here at 7:30." Emma says.

We approach the lady who's handing us our keys. "We should switch roommates." Eva says, oh I totally forgot about this switching thing.

"Okay I'll stay with you, Eva." Paige says, I'm glad Paige volunteered to stay with her because I know Eva doesn't like me.

"I'll stay with Nikki." Emma says with a grin. "I can stay with you Aj." Natalya says and I smile. "Girl, that means I have to room in with Naomi." Cameron says calling Naomi over.

Natalya and I are staying on the second floor. The room is pretty nice and big for us two. "So, how are Dean and you?" She asks unpacking her outfit which I'm guessing she's wearing tonight.

"We- we got in a fight." I whisper. "Oh no. Was it because of Punk? I'm not trying to be nosy or anything but I was shocked when he made his return and stuff."

"No, it's other stuff." I lie with a fake smile.

I can't help to feel awkward. They're all pretty fancy, except for Paige and I. She's not much of a dress person I suppose because everybody else is wearing one. I'm simply wearing ripped jeans with a red top that matches my converse.

The place is cool looking, I don't really go out much. I usually just pick up food from a fast food restaurant or eat at the hotel but the girls order their food at the top of their head like they come here everyday.

"How about you ma'am?" The waiter asks, they've all ordered but me. "Umm." I feel my cheeks flush as I read the menu, none of these sound good but I don't want to be ungrateful because they invited me.

I end up picking a burger because that's the only thing in the menu I recognize. Eva rolls her eyes every time I meet her gaze, she's obviously not happy I'm here.

"Baby! Hello ladies." Seth says kissing Nikki's cheek. Crap. Roman and Dean approach the table and I look at the floor.

Natalya elbows me lightly and I look up. "Thanks for the invitation, Eva." Summer says holding Deans arm. My mouth goes dry as I see Summer and Eva smile at each other. Of course she would invite Summer.

They put another table beside ours to make it bigger. After a while they bring our food. Everybody is talking and I keep glancing at Dean who's looking back.

Summer keeps talking to him and it makes me angry. I'm about to eat my food when I see none other than Phillip. He's surrounded by girls. Are you kidding me?

It doesn't make me angry that he's with other girls, what makes me mad me is that he lies to me. He told me he cared about me and blah blah blah. But he's here with other women? Pathetic.

I get up from the table, nobody notices I'm getting up. I walk over to him and tap his shoulder. "Oh! Aj! You decided to join us." He puts his arm around me and I pull away. "So this is why you want me to come back to you? So you can be here with women?"

He smiles at the girls he's with and I try to walk away. "No, no. Come here." He kisses my cheek and I back away.

"You're unbelievable. Why do you always do this to me? I'm certainly not getting back with you now, I wasn't planning on it anyways!" He frowns putting his drink down.

"Whatever. You'll come back like always." He turns back around and walks back to his table. I stand there looking at the floor sadly. How was I ever so stupid to believe in him?

I'm taken by surprise by Dean pulling on my hand. He pulls me out the restaurant and I'm full of questions. "Dean." I say almost out of breath once we are outside.

He doesn't say anything he just stares at the ground. "I couldn't keep watching that." He finally says.

"What?" I ask looking at him. He still hasn't looked at me, "He's a terrible boyfriend to be honest. He kept ignoring you and he was with other girls. I couldn't stand to watch that.." His voice trails off.

"He's not my boyfriend Dean." I say and he looks at me and gives me a look, "Let's just go. I'll take you." He starts walking to his car. I turn to look at the restaurant and then at Dean who's walking ahead.

I run to catch up to him and get in the car. I'm waiting for him to buckle me up but he doesn't, I awkwardly buckle myself up but before he starts the car I hold his hand.

"Dean, listen I'm sorry. And Punk is not my boyfriend anymore. I ended things with him Monday night."

"Aj-" I cut him off, "I want to be with you." I whisper, I don't really blurt out my emotions like that but at this point I don't care about anything but being with Dean.

You don't know what you want." He says, "I do." I say slowly. He doesn't say anything and starts driving, I let go of his hand. "I'm sorry. Honestly."

"It's okay." He says, I feel my chest feel relieved. "You forgive me? Literally?" He nods his head. "But that doesn't mean we're going to go back and talk like we use to." My happiness suddenly goes away.

"You weren't never going to say to my question were you?" He says after a while. He's talking about asking me out, "I was. I never got a chance to. We could-"

"I don't want to be played with Aj. And honestly deep inside me I knew this was never going to work." He says looking ahead at the road. "What do you mean?" My voice cracks at the end. "It was never going to work. I could tell it was going to go nowhere. We're just not meant to be."

My heart starts aching in a way I never thought it would. I turn around and look out the window as hot tears roll down my face. They feel like acid on my cheeks and it hurts so, so, bad.

He parks outside the hotel and I get out. "Thank you." I whisper looking at the floor, I don't want him to see me crying.

He gets out of the car and starts walking to the hotel. I watch as his figure disappears on the dark.

"Don't leave me, Dean." I whisper but he doesn't hear. The tears keep coming and I can't stop them- I don't try to stop them:

"Don't leave my little life.. Don't leave my insignificant little life." I whisper as I sob.

And it hurts me even more.

Maybe Dean is right.

We're not meant to be.

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