Part 11

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"Gosh!" Dean says angrily as we walk backstage. I'm still rubbing my back with one hand because I'm  hurt from while ago. "Sorry Dean I-" he interrupts me. "You cost us a match!" He says harshly, he's acting like he's never lost a match to Seth. "I said sorry. You're acting like you've never lost."

He rolls his eyes, "Whatever." I put my hair behind my ear, "I could've sworn I had her. I swear." He just shakes his head, "Was your head even in the match?" I nod even though at the end of the match I kind of got distracted in my own thoughts. "Didn't seem like it."

"Don't worry we'll get them next time." His eyes widen, "Oh no there won't be a next time." He walks by me and I sigh disappointed. My predictions were that Dean and I were going to win and that Dean was going to be impressed with my moves. But everything turned out the exact opposite. Instead of impressing Dean I disappointed him.

"You did great on your match!" Natalya tells Nikki as I open the locker door. Great just great, they had to be talking about that. Natalya stops talking about it once I get in but Alicia and Summer are in the room. "You sure do have talent." Alicia tells Nikki. I try to ignore her comment and start getting changed. "Unlike some people." Summer says looking at me. Some girls laugh and I start packing my stuff. "You did good too Aj." Natalya says as Paige and Emma nod. "Thank you." I tell her, "You were a strong competitor." Nikki says, I smile gladly. This counts like a compliment. "Ha!" Summer says laughing, I roll my eyes and wave bye to the divas. Some wave back others just ignore me.

I go to the bathroom to fix my hair. Why even bother though? It's not like anybody will even look at me. So I walk out the bathroom and my hair is probably looking worse than ever. To make things worse, guess who is in the corner all over Dean? "I don't even know why she was your partner. If I would've been your partner I wouldn't have let you down." She runs her finger up and down his chest. How can he like her and not me?

"It's already done." He says. "Well next time you need a partner I'm here." She smiles big and I look away because I can't take this any more. It's too gross for my eyes. "Are you spying on Dean?" I jump and look at Roman standing behind me. "Me? Oh God no!" He smirks, "Mmhmm sure." I laugh nervously, "Oh Roman you're silly." This catches Deans attention and he looks over at us. "Do you need another ride home?" He asks tying up his hair. I can't help but to stare at his biceps because dear Lord- how can you not stare?

"Well yes but I'll get a taxi." He makes a face, "A taxi? Nah, nah, I have a car. Come with Dean and I." I look over at Dean who is staring at us, Summer looks aggravated that we've got his attention now. "No, I can go on a taxi but thank you." I'm saying this as I'm looking at Dean. He makes eye contact for a second then looks at Summer. "You like Dean don't you?" Roman asks, he must've seen my startled face and he smiles. "You've got a crush on him!" He whispers.

"Shhh! No I don't! I don't like him like that, okay?" He nods still smiling and I know he doesn't believe me. "Okay, okay." I chuckle quietly, does he really think I like him? Oh God, no. If in doing all this is just to help. I'm not doing it out of pleasure. "Alright well I have to go. I'll see you around Roman! Bye bye! By the way you did awesome on your match." I smile waving bye at him. "See you later. Bye, and you also did good." I frown as I'm walking away because I didn't not do so good in my match.


"That was an amazing fight!" He's screaming and I pull away the phone from my ear, "Ouch! No screaming my head hurts." He talks a little quieter, "Opps sorry. But it was awesome!"

"Uh yeah no. It was terrible." I sigh, "Terrible? I thought it went pretty good. I saw how you acted all concerned for him and stuff." "Mhmm." I say even though It wasn't all acting. I was worried about him, not because I like him of anything- I just well I don't know. "Don't get your hopes up though. I talked to him and he said there wasn't going to be anymore matches between us."

"That's not up to him, that's up to Mark and Jane. Trust me there will be a rematch because there's always one. He will have to deal with it. Don't worry darling, he will fall eventually." He says slowly and even though I can't see him I'm sure he is smiling. "I'm sure he will." I say in a sarcastic voice, he might think Dean will fall but I know for sure he won't. "I've been working out more."

"That's good." He sighs, "What's wrong?" He asks, "I've got a headache. I'm going to sleep okay?" "Okay good night I love you." I wince like I've been hit, he never says I love you. Unless it's an important day or unless he feels like it. And I know that he's just saying that because I'm helping him. I know I'm being used but he's the only person I've got.. I cant afford to lose him even though he's just using me.

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