Part 21

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You can hear the crowd screaming from backstage. They're impatient and they're waiting so see their favorite wrestler. Raw is always exciting to me, mostly because I don't come out much on Smackdown so to me Raw is the best. "Aj!" Jane screams from behind, I turn around startled as her grin gets bigger. "Yes? What is it?"

"Dean has agreed to do the storyline with you! Yay!" She claps her hands uncontrollably as I stare at her with my mouth wide open. "What?" Is all that comes out. "You heard me!!!! He literally came to me and said he wanted to do it. Aren't you glad?" She smiles and I nod my head still confused. "Great! Well tonight the authority couple, Nikki and Seth, are going to be speaking and Dean and you are going to interrupt them. Okay? I already told Dean about it so make sure you meet up with him."

She walks away and I'm left there speechless. Dean has agreed? What made him change his mind? But then it hits me- he feels pity for me. He did it for pity. Because I got punched and because I cried to him about it while I was drunk. Gosh, why did I cry? Why did I let him see me crying? Why did I tell him that? I'll rather him hate me than him to feel pity for me.

I find Dean wrapping up his hands in the corner. Before I walk over there I try to calm down but it just makes me mad. "Ambrose." I say and he looks at me, "Lee." He says calmly. "Why did you tell Jane you wanted to do the storyline?" He tilts his head to the side like he's confused at my aggression. "Isn't that what you wanted?"

"No. I told you I didn't want to do it." I say coldly while crossing my arms across my chest. "Well at first you were all like come on Dean it'll be fun Dean! You'll love it Dean, we're awesome together Dean. And now you don't want to do it? What made you change your mind? I swear you're-" he stops himself and I uncross my arms giving him a warning look.

"I'm what? Crazy? Go ahead say it, I dare you." People here call me crazy, it's something I can't stand. It's the only thing that gets me. I'm not crazy. I'm just young. "Bipolar. I was going to say bipolar." He finally says. "Aha. Yeah right. Well listen now I'm the one that doesn't want anything to do with you."

"What? What do you want Aj? Because I seriously do not get you." He shakes his head while rubbing his temples. "No Dean. What do you want? Because all of the sudden you want to be all friendly and be my friend? Like what-?" He interrupts me by putting his hand in front of my face. I smack it and he groans.

"Oh my gosh. I never said I wanted to be your friend! See you take things way too far! Just because I'm working with you as your partner does not mean that I want to be your friend. Because I don't." Once again I feel my whole insides collapse. He's right. I'm overreacting. It's just us two being partners. Why am I even arguing? A wave of embarrassment falls over me and I can feel my face heat up by the second.

"Good Lord. You two are arguing like a couple, I could hear yall literally from outside the arena." Roman says. "Woah, woah. Hold your horses Roman. We aren't a couple." Dean says, "I said like a couple Dean. Not that you two were a couple. See you gotta listen boy." Roman says and I nod, "Yeah. But that's one thing he doesn't know how to do. Listen." I wave bye to Roman after I finish speaking and bump past Dean who sighs annoyed. He's back to being him. Sadly.

"Well hello Cleveland, Ohio." Seth speaks into the microphone. Dean and I wait backstage for the perfect time to go out there. The crowd boos him as he talks. "We are glad to see you too. Just kidding, you aren't even important!" Seth laughs. "You're right darling. But we didn't come out here to talk about you all. We came out here because we needed to discuss a little something." Nikki says. "Mhmm, yes. Ambrose. Everybody here knows him right? That lunatic unstable freak. He constantly keeps attacking me for no reason and he's always sticking his nose in MY business, in OUR business." Seth screams.

"Yes! He swears he's gotta protect that little four foot tall girl who thinks she's all that. News to you Aj guess who's still the Divas champion? Obviously not you, because it's me! And I'm about tired of your nonsense, stop trying to get a shot at the title. You don't deserve one. You keep trying but keep failing. A loser like you doesn't deserve a chance." When she mentions me being a loser I feel a little pain. She probably didn't think that'll hurt my feelings but after Dean called me that I'm pretty sensible on that word.

"Exactly! You are exactly right my gorgeous Bella. Those two insignificant little things think they can compare to us. But we all know that's not true because we are the power couple. We rule this place, we are the future of this industry. We are invincible-"

I skip out as my song starts playing. Seth puts down his microphone and Nikki stares at me. "Who do you think you are interrupting me?!" Seth screams as I approach the ring. "You do know we could fire you right? We are part of the authority and-" I interrupt Nikki by pushing the microphone away from her mouth. Before I talk I clear my throat and grin as the crowd cheers for me. "But you won't." Seth rolls his eyes as he holds Nikki back.

"What do you want Aj?" Seth says. "Well you know I was backstage minding my own business and then I hear you two talking smack. You know Nikki if I well remember you didn't win that title fairly. Your little boyfriend won it for you, do you remember that? How he distracted me so you could win?" Nikki rolls her eyes.

"You just don't want to admit that I'm better than you!" The crowd boos her and I groan. "Whatever. You and I both know who should have that title. And I suggest that if you don't want to get beat, then you should stop taking so much junk and that goes for you Seth. Dean won't be too happy if he finds out all the crap you're talking." I step closer to Nikki and and she pushes me back. I crack my knuckles and jump at her but Seth gets in the way.

"Stop! Stop protecting her!" I try to get to her but he keeps me away and that's when Dean comes out. Seth lets me go and as soon as Dean gets there he tackles Seth as I punch Nikki. She falls to the floor holding her nose as Dean punches Seth over and over. She gets up and punches me back but I hit her stomach making her fall to her knees and then kick her on the face. Dean is going to do his finisher on Seth when he punches Dean on the stomach. He lets go and immediately runs to Nikki pulling her out of there. I try to reach her but Seth is too quick. Nikki grabs her face in pain as Seth rubs his back making pain angry faces.

I grin at them as they walk away glaring us down. Deans music starts playing and I'm still smiling when our eyes meet. He smiles for a millisecond. And that millisecond smile made my heart skip a beat.

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