Part 17

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-Hey guys! So I made this video above ^ about Aj and Dean. It was made especially for this story that I'm writing. I think it sorta shows their relationship, but anyways don't forget to check it out! And thanks for reading :)

I stare at my legs as I wait for my call. My opponent tonight is Eva Marie. "You look flawless, Nicole." I hear Seth say as Nikki and him approach me. "Oh stop it Seth." She says blushing. "It's the truth my beautiful Bella!" He kisses her head and I feel a terrible sadness fall over me. I wish I had what they have.

I decide to look the opposite way because I don't want to feel sad. Dean is approaching me and he looks mad . . shocker. "You. I need to talk to you." He stands in front of me and I look up at him then look back down. "Did you hear me? I need to talk to you." I ignore him again and he groans.

"If you don't-" I interrupt him, "If I don't what huh? What are you going to do? Force me?" He gives me a look and I'm not sure if he's angry or shocked. He rolls his eyes as he looks at Nikki and Seth, "Do you really want me to talk in front of people? Because I don't have a problem with that." Nikki and Seth look at me, and Dean is staring at me. I decide to get up and go talk to him somewhere else because if he embarrasses me I don't want nobody to see.

"What do you want?" I say as we walk out the arena. It's kind of chilly outside and I shiver because I'm wearing my attire. "Jane told me she needed to talk to me. AGAIN. I'm sure it's about the storyline shit, listen I don't want to do it. Stop telling her to convince me! I don't  want to work with you."

"I know that. And don't worry, I'll stop asking about it. I already talked to Jane and told her that I don't want to do the storyline either, you don't have to worry about me bothering you because I won't." He looks surprised and after a few seconds he walks back in the arena. I stare at the parking lot for minutes before I finally walk back in.


The flawless red haired Eva steps in the ring as I get off the second rope. The bell rings as I take a deep breath. My head needs to be in this match, I have to concentrate. I do a suplex on Eva and pin her but she kicks out at two. "You're exaggerating, stop this. It's like you're begging for attention. You're not alone." His voice is in my brain, those words have been stuck in my head since Thursday night. I haven't talked to him since then- he's called and texted- he hurt me too much. I'm begging for attention? Maybe he's right. Maybe I am begging for attention since I'm such a desperate loser.

I grab Eva's fire red hair and toss her across he ring. My anger is a reflection on her, I try not to but I have to get rid of this. She yelps in pain as she rubs her scalp. "listen I don't want to do it. Stop telling her to convince me! I don't want to work with you." Deans words pop up in my mind making me angrier. I punch Eva over and over as the referee is telling me to back away. He grabs my shoulder and I get off her because if I don't I will get disqualified.

She gets up and leans on the ropes, she's across from me. "You're exaggerating, stop this. It's like you're begging for attention." I run to her furiously but she moves out the way making me fly out the ring. I get back in and I'm about to do a black widow when Nikki comes out with Seth. I stare at them as they make their way to the ring. "Get out of here!" I scream, I'm too distracted that Eva pulls my hair from behind and pins me. Eva's music starts playing as the referee holds her hand up. I stare at her furiously, I can't stand losing. And this was an unfair win. I push the referee and start attacking Eva and of course Nikki gets in and pulls me off her.

Eva gets out the ring as Nikki starts attacking me. I'm trying to defend myself but she keeps hitting my head a lot. "This will teach you a lesson not to mess with Princess Authority." Seth says into a microphone, he throws it and holds me up. My vision is a bit blurry but I can finally see that Nikki is ready to kick the hell out of me. Seth is holding me and his grip is tight, I try to pull away buts it's useless.

Nikki is running to me when Deans music starts playing. Seth lets me go and Nikki freezes as Dean tackles Seth. "No!" She screams and she tries to pull Dean away from Seth. I touch my head as its spinning but I get the strength to get up. The crowd cheers as I walk behind Nikki. She doesn't hear me coming because she's too busy, Seth rolls out the ring and Dean tries to go behind him but Nikki pulls on his shirt and that's when I tap her shoulder.

She turns around confused and without thinking I do dirty deeds on her. The crowd goes wild as Seth is screaming holding his head. Dean looks at me confused and I'm confused myself, I have no idea why I did that. Seth crawls in to get Nikki, "Are you okay?!" He asks her but she's still with her eyes closed.

Seth looks at Dean who is standing behind him, he gets up and he starts screaming. Dean grabs him and the crowd cheers as he does dirty deeds on Seth. Dean grins at the crowd as they're cheering, I get out the ring grabbing Nikki's championship.

I skip around the ring ignoring Dean as I go by him. Finally when I'm done, I kiss the championship and leave it on the floor as I skip backstage leaving Nikki and Seth on the floor unconscious and Dean confused.

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