Part 18

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"What to hell?" Dean says as he comes behind me, I keep walking and waving at people as they go by. "Hey! I'm talking to you." He pulls my belt and I stumble, "Stop it. Let me go!" I say turning around fixing my belt. "What was that? I thought you didn't want to do the stupid storyline."

"I don't want to do it, I don't know why you're saying that." I cross my arms across my chest while rolling my eyes, "You did dirty deeds on Nikki, that's my move!" He's screaming and I have to keep a serious face not show any intimidation. "Oh, is it written somewhere that dirty deeds is your move? No I don't think so."

"Gosh! But now people are going to think we have something going on. I don't want nobody to think that." He shakes his head and I nod, "Of course you don't want nobody to think that. Me either." He looks at me, "Then why did you do it? You're sending mixed signals to the crowd."

"Because I felt like it. Plus why did you even come out? That was none of your business anyways." He groans and rolls his eyes, "Don't think I went out there because of you. I went out there because I'm suppose to attack Seth every time he's out there."

"Well that's not my problem." I flip my hair and turn around skipping. "Wait I'm not done talking to you!" He screams, in my head I'm just trying not to turn around because I can't stand looking at him. Not right now anyways.


"Only one?" The man asks as he looks around to see if anybody is with me. "Yes only one." I say taking out money from my purse. The music is booming extra loud and it's hurting my ears. Of course I'm not used to partying or anything like this. Usually I'd stay in my hotel room as everybody else goes out. But not tonight, after my match with Eva and the talk with Dean I couldn't bare to stay alone in the room.

In the crowd I spot several WWE superstars. Is this what they all do after Raw? Come partying? It makes me feel like I'm kind of behind. Maybe I should do the same. After Raw or Smackdown I should go to a club and enjoy the night. But who am I kidding? Nobody is here with me, everybody brought friends or dates and I'm just awkwardly here sitting in a table.

"What would you like to drink?" The bartender says loudly over the music as I approach him. "Anything is good. Don't make it too strong though." He turns around and starts preparing it. I'm looking around and I see Roman in the crowd talking to a diva, I think it's Paige. And behind him is Dean, he's drinking something red. For a minute I think he's alone but there's no way on earth Dean Ambrose will be alone. Ever.

Summer walks up behind him and whispers something on his ear. The bartender hands me the drink and I start to drink. It's not that strong but I can definitely taste the alcohol. Dean smiles and says something back and she wraps his arms around him. Without thinking I gulp the drink down. "Another one, make it stronger this time." He nods as I put my empty glass down.

"Oh hey there, Aj." Alicia says standing beside me. I look at her confused, why is she talking to me? Her very short extravagant dress catches my attention and I can't help to occasionally glance at it. "Why are you talking to me?" I don't mean to sound rude but it comes out like it. "Oh just saying hey." She starts ordering two drinks as the man hands me mine. When I take the first sip my eyes widen. This is so much stronger, just smelling it makes me dizzy.

"You know, I shouldn't tell you this but if I were you I'd stay away from Dean. You don't want to anger Summer." She taps her long nails on the counter. "Why are you telling me this? I'm not afraid of Summer anyways."

"I'm not either. We aren't that close, but let me tell you she's nobody to mess with. She always gets what she wants no matter how. And if she knows you're after Dean she will never leave you alone. Trust me I know." She grabs the two drinks and walks away. She always gets what she wants? Well I do too. She's not the only one.

I glance over at Summer who's laughing and touching Deans arms, she's obviously trying to touch his biceps. Then I look at Alicia who's talking to Layla. Then at my full glass of whatever this is. I hold my breath and drink it fast as my throat burns. "I want an even stronger one." I tell the man. Summer notices me and makes a face. I smile knowing this angers her. She pulls on Deans arm and makes him get up.

How can she control him like that? How can Dean let her manipulate him? I get my drink and I take a sip. Dean says something to her and she answers. He shakes his head but she pulls him away and makes a sad face until he agrees and keeps walking. They walk to the dance floor and they start to dance.

She smiles as she sees me looking. After another two sips my cup is almost empty. And I can't stop staring at Dean and Summer, he hasn't noticed me yet. She pulls him in closer to her as she places his hand on her hips. Typical. As she's doing this she keeps eye contact with me like saying "he's mine. Back off."

Dean turns his head and sees me drinking, he turns his head a little to the side as he's staring. Summer grabs his head and makes him face her. "Another one please." I say handing the man an empty cup.

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