Part 47

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*Two more chapters and then epilogue! Thanks for reading guys xxx

"It's  going to be a Divas triple threat match," Mark begins. My inside of my cheek is bleeding, he's about to announce the two Divas will face Nikki at The Royal Rumble for the Divas Championship.

Nikki is already close to breaking my record for holding the title the longest. I can't let her break it- not yet anyways.

I worked really hard for that. Don't get me wrong Nikki is a great champion but it would break me to pieces if she beats my record, it hasn't even been a year since I broke it.

"The two girls who would face Nikki at the The Royal Rumble are," he smiles as he meets my eyes. "Aj and Paige." A grin spreads across my face and Paige squeals. "You two deserve it. Good luck." He says waking away.

The Divas are all mumbling and talking, I walk to the bathroom and in the way there I see Dean.

Jojo is asking him if he's ready for his match tonight against Kane. Dean smirks and starts talking, I never get tired of hearing him speak.

His voice just has a little something, and it's music to my ears. The camera is recording everything he's saying and I know I'm probably staring a little too much but I can't help it.

"Staring too hard aren't you?" Summer says standing beside me. She's crossing her arms across her chest and I roll my eyes, "Now I can't even look?"

She chuckles, "Oh no, you're not just looking. You're technically drooling over him. You know little girl, just because he defended you last night doesn't mean he likes you. Dean just has a big heart, he's over you trust me. Although I have no idea why he even defended you, what Punk said was true." She grins and I just stare at her.

It's not even worth wasting my breath on her. "Summer." Dean says, she turns around wrapping her arm around him. I swallow hard and look the other way as I start to walk.

I hate feeling jealous. It's a horrible feeling. It makes me feel useless because I can't do nothing about it. It makes me feel like Deans love is slipping out of my hands.

And it is.


"I need to talk to you." He says, I'm still walking away but I can hear him perfectly. "What is it honey?" She says.

"I- listen, I don't want to hurt your feelings or anything. But you were the one that brought your hopes up, I'm not interested in you." I stop walking when I hear him say that, I slightly turn my head around to see them.

Summer has a hurt expression on her face, "It's because of that whore isn't it?" She hisses angry. "Don't call her that! This is why I never got serious with you. You can be so mean sometimes, think before you speak Summer."

It makes me happy he artlessly stood up for me. I start to walk again but slowly, "Fine. Whatever Dean, this time I'm really getting over you. Go, go ahead and beg that girl to come back. She will betray you again!"

Even though I'm still sad that Dean and I aren't together it makes me happy that at least he's not with Summer.

As I'm thinking of this Punk approaches me, "Aj! Aj! Oh gosh, I tried calling mad texting and I'm so sorry! I was drunk so drunk-"

I smile at him, he steps back confused. "It's okay. Don't worry." He looks at me for a see seconds, "Are you okay?" He asks.

I nod smiling, "Yep. Just great. Well I got a match so see you later!" I skip away grinning as I think of his shocked face.

Oh Punk you just wait.


Unfortunately for me my match tonight wasn't successful. Naomi beat me, she's very good and athletic.

I'm not mad or anything, I'm still very happy to know that Dean is not with Summer anymore. And nothing right now can ruin my happiness.

I'm walking outside on the parking lot when I am faced by none other than Summer herself, "I hope you're happy little bitch." She's got tears in her eyes.

"It's not my fault Summer, leave me alone." I walk by her and she pulls my hair. I yelp and turn around, "Let me go!"

"No, you have no idea how much I hate you. I've never disliked somebody this much! It bothers me that you get whatever you want when you deserve NOTHING." Her grip gets tighter, "Stop it let me go!"

"Hey, let her go!" Nikki says, Summer let's me go but gives me a look. "You're sticking up for her?" She says wiping her tears.

"Yes I am." She says putting her hand on her waist. "Actually we all are." Paige says, I look at the girls with a blushed face. I didn't think they'd want to be my friends after what Punk said last night.

"I can't believe it, you people went so low. She's not even a real friend, I bet she will betray every single one of you in a heartbeat." She gives me a disgusted look as she says this.

"Summer that's enough." Natalya says. "Guys, I think Summer is right." Eva says, of course she was going to stick up for her.

"Listen Eva, you are our friend and everything but we have witness some of the stuff you do to Aj. I think I speak for everybody here, if you want to be our friend you have to accept, Aj. She's a really nice girl." Emma says.

"Thats exactly right." Nikki says. Eva looks at me and then at them, "Eva. You have to take my side right?" Summer tells Eva.

"We've been here with you through everything." Natalya says. This seems to make Eva realize who's her real friends, "I - I guess I can try to be her friend.."

"She also deserves an apology, doesn't she Eva?" Paige says giving her a look. Eva nods, "I'm sorry Aj. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." For he first time ever she doesn't sound - fake.

Her apology actually seems sincere. "It's okay." I finally says. Summer huffs and walks away, "I'm done with every single one of you!" She screams.

I look at he girls with a shy smile, "Thank you guys for sticking up for me." They smile back, "It's just what friends do." Emma says.

At this moment I almost feel like crying, and not because I'm sad but because I finally have friends. It's nice to know there's people that will stick up for you.

It's just this really nice feeling in your chest. And, some people take that for granted. They take their friends for granted, and they shouldn't.

I finally have friends.

I never thought I would.

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