Part 2

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"Aj! I'm so glad you're finally back!" Mark says giving me a hug. Mark along with Jane are the people who are in charge, they make storylines and stuff like that. "I'm glad too." I say smiling. "Now tell me, why didn't you want nobody to know about your return?" He closes his office door as I take a seat. "Because I wanted it to be a surprise you know?" He nods his head, "Yeah I get it."

"So I've been watching Raw and Smackdown and tonight on Raw Nikki is defending her title against Paige, right?" Mark nods his head as I grin. "That's perfect. How about I surprise my fellow friend, Nikki?" He gives me a look, he must realize that I don't like Nikki that much. It's okay because I know for sure she hates me. After I accidentally injured Brie she completely has hatred towards me. "Aj, keep in mind that you cannot injure the Divas Champion."

"Who says I'm going to injure her?" A smile spreads across my face and Mark frowns, "Because I know you, Aj. I will let you do the surprise attack but do not injure her. I repeat do not injure her." I nod my head understanding what he's saying. I've already injured Brie and Mark and Jane were so not happy about it. "Let it be a surprise!" I say skipping to his office door.

As I'm walking out I quickly head to the locker room to change into my attire. Nobody is here yet and I'm glad because I don't want none of the divas to see me. It's not like they're going to be happy I'm back. I'm sure no one will be happy about it. When I'm done putting on my attire I walk over to Sandra who gasps when she sees me. "You're back! And looking stunning!" She gushes as she starts applying eyeshadow on me. "Thank you Sandra."

As soon as she's done I walk to the bathroom, seconds later I hear talking so I quickly lock myself in a stall and put my feet up so they can't see me. "So like, when's she coming back?" Naomi says. "Who?" Nikki says and I recognize her voice perfectly fine. "Aj. Duh. There's been rumors and stuff." Naomi says. "Well whatever, if she comes back good for her but I really don't care." I roll my eyes, and I wish I could scream I don't care about you either Nikki!

"For real. Nobody likes her." Naomi says, Nikki doesn't say anything. I feel like a bee stung me in the chest. I know nobody likes me, but it hurts when other people say it. I swallow really hard and blink super fast to stop myself from crying. I hate crying. Plus Sandra just did my makeup. "That's mean, Naomi." Nikki finally says. Naomi chuckles, "It's true!" They walk out he bathroom and I sit there on the toilet. Now I don't want to come out until I'm told to.

Finally after a long time I come out of the stall and walk out. Everybody stares at me as I make my way down the hall. I sit on a chair watching the match that's happening. It's Roman Reigns against the Big Show. Roman spears him winning the match. I watch the crowd cheer for him and the many signs people have of him. He's popular, talented and has lots of fans, I take a mental note of that.

After Romans match its the Divas match. I watch as Nikki goes out with none other than Seth Rollins. They've been doing that lately. To be honest I envy them. I envy what they have because I know I don't have that. The way they look at each other with so much love- it's so obvious. Paige comes out next and makes her way to the ring. The match starts and I'm quite impressed by Nikki's strength and Paige's moves. I watch them intensely and wait for the perfect moment to walk out there.

I watch as Seth pulls Nikki's legs when Paige is trying to pin her. Paige gets mad and starts screaming at him then Nikki kicks her on the face. Thats when I run down the hallway, they start playing my music as I make my way to the ring as fast as I can while Nikki and Seth look at me startled. Paige rolls out the ring touching her face. I look at Nikki coldly as she steps back.

"Let's go Seth." She says and Seth grabs her championship, she's about to step out the ring when I walk around her staring her down. She looks paranoid and I'm loving this. She then tries to hit me but I tackle her and start punching her. "Hey! Stop that!" Seth screams at me, he grabs me by the waist and pulls me away from Nikki. All of the sudden Deans music hits and I elbow Seth. He looks scared as Dean runs to him and starts attacking him.

Nikki is too busy paying attention to Dean and Seth that I take the advantage and punch her on the face. She falls to the floor and I smile big. Seth manages to get away from Dean and helps Nikki up. Dean stands beside me and I'm trying not to look his way, I hope it's not noticeable that I'm confused. Ambrose shouldn't have came out, Mark didn't inform me of that. Nikki looks ticked off and she runs to me but instead I get in front of Seth she runs to me trying to hit me but I move out the way and she hits him. "Oh my gosh! Seth I'm sorry!" Seth rubs his nose, I pull Nikki back and Dean does dirty deeds on Seth.

They both get out the ring as I laugh hysterically. "I told you I was going to haunt you day and night, Rollins!" Dean screams. Nikki left her Championship on the floor and I pick it up and kiss it. "No! Give it back!" She screams, I look at the title one more time and grin. She wants to come back and get it but Seth won't let her. Finally I get tired of her whining and I throw it to her. They make their way backstage as my music starts playing. I skip around the ring happily and see Dean look at me. I smile at him trying to show him so appreciation but instead of smiling back he frowns and gets out of the ring.

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