Part 31

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"Aj!" Sandra says as I approach her. "Hey Sandra, is it ready?" I ask and she nods smiling as she pull out my new attire. It's a crop top with Deans initials and some black shorts. "Thank you Sandra!" I say giving her a hug. "You're welcome now go get ready." She says squeezing me tight before letting go.

I walk in the locker room and change into my attire. I can feel them staring at me, Eva walks out with a groan. "So are you and Ambrose dating?" Natalya asks, "Are you?" Emma says. They're all waiting for an answer, I'm pretty sure they're worried about it because every girl here would love to have Dean Ambrose.

Even girls that are taken stop and stare at him because he's simply gorgeous. "No." I say blushing, they stare at my attire. "You're so lucky to have a storyline with him." Natalya says with a sigh smiling. "Ambrose is hot." Paige says, she must've noticed my face because she quickly says, "Don't worry I don't like him like that."

"I'm sorry about the other night." I tell Natalya changing the subject. "It's okay, don't worry about it." She says. I smile shyly and walk out.

"Dean!" I say running to him, he smiles and then stares at my attire. "What's- all this?" He asks. "Well, I thought since you and I are going to kick some butt tonight I should support you more. Do you like it? See it even says on the back of my shirt 'Dean unstable Ambrose'." He smiles, "That's quite lovely."

"Why thank you." I say glad that he liked it. "Are you nervous?" I ask as we sit down on a bench backstage. "Not at all. Although I'm sure either Nikki or Seth are going to try to cheat somehow." He says with a smirk, "They can't cheat on us. We will outsmart them." I say with a proud smile.

He stares at me for a long time. "What?" I ask suddenly panicking, "Is there something on my face?" He nods slowly, "Yes. There's eyes, and a nose and-"

"You know what I mean!" I say laughing. "I like your laugh. You know?" He smiles and dear God, I feel like screaming. I'm screaming internally right now. He's just so- and his face is so- everything about him is so-! Words can't even describe him.

"Did you notice me before you attempted to be my friend?" Dean asks interrupting my thoughts. "Of course. You are one of the hottest guys here. All the divas gush about you."

"Guys gush about you too." He says and I feel embarrassment crawl all over my body. "I bet they say bad stuff, huh." I say looking at him. Honestly, I have no idea how I have the courage to even look at him. "No. If they did say something bad about you I would make sure they learn a lesson."

"So what do they say then?" Curiosity has gotten the best of me. "They talk about how pretty you are." I'm quite surprised they don't talk bad about me. "When did you start to notice little me?" I ask him. "I started to notice you a while back. I don't know if you remember this but one time we saw each other at the gym, you were there with Nikki I believe. After she left you stayed there, you didn't notice me though. You went straight to working out and I couldn't focus. I don't know, you were just impressive. Mostly because you could lift pretty heavy weights, and you know you're so tiny. And not to mention those work out pants you had on." He grins as I feel my face heat up. "Oh gosh." I laugh out.

"Then days later we were in a hotel, I went to get breakfast you were talking to Paige and Nikki and then you turned around and bumped into me. You said 'Oh sorry Ambrose' and skipped away. Do you remember that?" He says and I nod my head. Of course I remember, I did bump into him but back then it wasn't such a big deal.

"Crazy huh? How you can simply bump into somebody or randomly see somebody somewhere and not pay attention to them but then they become so important to you. And everything before them you forget, because they become your center of attention. They become your everything." He says looking at me.

"I'm starting to believe you're my everything." I blurt out. I then realize what I have said and curse myself for thinking out loud.  He looks warmly at me and finally say, "Me too." He whispers.

Dean and I wait for the authority couple to come out. We have decided that I was starting the match. Seth's song starts playing and Dean and I look at each other when Seth and Nikki don't walk out alone. "Fuck." Dean murmurs as we see the whole authority come out. Literally.

Nikki and Seth hold their championships up as they start to walk to us. Randy, Kane, Triple H and Stephanie follow them behind. "I knew they were going to be sneaky." I say. "It's okay, the more the merrier." Dean says with a smirk as he cracks his knuckles. The authority couple step in the ring as Randy and Kane stand one on each side. Triple H grabs a microphone, "Well we wanted to make sure we saw this match. I hope you two don't mind." He smiles at us, Dean rolls his eyes and I simply look away. "Make us proud." Stephanie says looking at Nikki and Seth.

I step in the ring as the bell rings. Nikki smiles evilly and I feel so surrounded with the whole authority being out here.

But no matter Dean and I are here to win.

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