Part 32

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( Ajs attire click on the picture above)

Nikki keeps rolling out of the ring and it's starting to piss me off. I punch her in the face and once again she rolls out, this time I follow her behind. As I'm approaching her Randy steps in front of me. "Move out my way." I say pushing him, he looks at me angry and I get a shiver down my spine.

"Hey, hey, back off." Dean says coming behind me. Randy starts walking to Dean but Nikki stops him. "It's fine Randy." She says. The referee starts counting and Nikki immediately gets back in the ring. I roll back in there too only to find myself hit with a forearm. I fall to the floor as I see stars everywhere, Nikki picks me up and I know she's about to do the rack attack. "Aj!" I hear Dean scream and even though I'm in pain and dizzy, I manage to wiggle my feet. She drops me and I roll to Dean tagging him in.

He gets in there as Seth stares him down. I grab my head rubbing it lightly because I'm still trying to recover. Dean is pretty much taking control though, until Seth gets out of the ring. "Stay in the ring Dean!" I scream but we all know Dean cannot stay still for a second.

He does a suicide dive and makes Seth, Randy, and Kane fall. He tries to punch Seth but of course Kane and Randy interfere. He's punching all of them but eventually the numbers are too much.

The referee is already counting, he's on number four and I know if Dean doesn't manage to get back in the ring we are going to be disqualified and we have to be able to pin them in order for us to get that championship match at TLC.

I walk over to them and skip around them. This catches their attention and they stop attacking Dean. I smile at them as I wave, Dean manages to get out of their way and crawl back in the ring. Randy and Kane run after Dean and I see the referee is distracted and I do a flip kicking Seth on the face.

"Oh no you didn't." Nikki screams furiously but by the time she gets to Seth the referee is already on number eight. Seth tells her it's okay and he crawl in the ring at the last minute. When he's there Dean hits him so hard it flips Seth over. He pins Seth and he kicks out at two. I smack my head angry. Dean gets on top of the rope and he's about to jump when Kane pushes Dean, "Hey! Didn't you see that!" I scream at the referee. "Calm down Ms!" He screams at me, while he's doing this Randy kicks Dean on the face.

The referee turns around and Seth pins Dean, I'm biting my lip and thankfully Dean kicks out in two and a half. Seth looks frustrated and he aggressively punches him, Dean gets up and he looks pretty beat up.

"Come on Dean!" I scream biting my nails. He recovers enough to punch Seth, but he gets knocked out again. Seth is going to do the curb stomp and I close my eyes, I can't see this. The crowd screams and I open my eyes, Dean somehow managed to roll Seth and pin him. The referee starts counting and I see Kane and Nikki getting in the ring to stomp him but the referee counts to three. Seth sits up shocked as Nikki and Kane look disappointed/ angry. Triple H and Stephanie get up from their seats and look furious.

I run in the ring and jump into Deans arms. "You did it!" I scream as I wrap my arms on his neck. "We did it." He says exhausted. Without thinking I kiss his cheek and he looks surprised.

Our little moment doesn't last though. We get surrounded by them, I let go of Dean and look around the circle. Dean and I look at each other and I immediately tackle Nikki.

She scratches my neck pulling me off her. I get up and tackle her again and this time we fall out of the ring. She pulls my hair and I kick her shin making her let go. I grab her by her attire and throw her slamming her against the announcer table. I look back at the ring and I see Dean is getting pretty beat up. Randy and Kane hold Dean up and Seth does a curb stomp on him. I cover my mouth and watch as Dean lays there in pain.

"The authority always wins!" Seth screams as his music starts playing. I crawl in the ring as they get out, Seth runs to Nikki who's holding her back in pain. "Are you okay Dean?" I ask helping him up. He puts his arm around him as he nods slowly, he rubs his lip which is bleeding and then he looks in front of me.

I turn and see that Randy is about to get out the ring but he steps back in. He smiles and starts walking to us. "Aj go." He says. I grab him tighter, "No way." I say. "Go!" He says louder as Randy runs straight to us. "No!" I say as Dean pushes me out the way. I fall on my butt as Randy runs into Dean making him hit the pole. Dean holds his ribs in pain, Randy is turning around he's walking but I know he's not done.

The crowd is screaming loud and I watch as Randy turns back around and falls to the floor. He hits the floor over and over and I know what he's about to do. "Don't get up Dean." I say looking at Randy, he looks at me and smiles. "Dean, no!" I scream but he gets up and Randy gets up just to do an RKO in him. I watch as Dean lays there on the floor breathing slowly.

I crawl to him, asking him if he's okay. He nods slowly and I look up to see Randy standing there. I get up and he's obviously taller than me, he walks around Dean and and I gulp once he stands in front of me. He grabs me by my attire and picks me up. I wiggle my feet scared to death as a grin spreads across his face.

He puts me down and steps out the ring, his music starts playing as I stand there trying to catch my breath. The authority is waiting for him and they all smile as I get back down where Dean is laying on the floor.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I ask Dean again and he nods as I remove the ice from his bruised cheek. "I didn't like the fact that Orton laid his hands on you." He says.

"He didn't hurt me though." I say, "I know but he could've. If he would've hurt you, I would've-" he clenches his fist and I smile, "It's okay Dean. I promise." He sighs, "Okay, okay. And by the way, I'm sorry I pushed you. Orton was running straight to us if you would've been there he would've crushed you."

"You saved me from being crushed." I say with a chuckle. "You're quite stubborn you know that?" He says with a smile. "I know, but I didn't want to let you go. It probably sounds stupid but I felt like little old me could protect you." I slap my forehead playfully as I laugh. "Thank you." He says, I stop laughing. "What?"

"For caring. Not many people care about me, except my two best friends and you." He says, I wrap my arms around him. "No, no, thank you for caring." He wraps his around my waist and I smile to myself.

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