Part 19

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The whole place is spinning around and even with my eyes closed the place is spinning. I should've stopped after the fourth drink but there was something about my anger that made me keep asking for more. I jump off the stool and almost fall but mange to keep my balance. It looks like I'm seeing quadruple of everything.

People are bumping into me and I try to speak but I feel like if I do I will end up puking so I keep my mouth shut. I start rubbing my temples to see if it'll ease off the dizziness but it doesn't. "Hey watch it!" An angry guy screams, I open my eyes and see a tall guy with a whole bunch of tattoos looking angrily at me. "Huh?"

"Did you not here me? Are you that short you can't hear me?" He leans over and his breath smells like tobacco mixed with alcohol, I cover my nose because it makes me nauseous. "Move out my way lady!" It seems like I cannot concentrate on what he's saying, and it's like my body and arms are not connected to my brain. They won't move. "Move out my damn way!" He seems really angry, and I should be running away. The people around us are too busy drinking to even notice us. I'm near the exit, the door is just steps away yet I'm standing right here in front of a furious guy.

He huffs annoyed and grabs my arm harshly pulling me. So I might be really drunk but here's the thing there is no way in hell he's going to touch me like that. "Don't touch me!" I push him but I don't have much strength or balance right now.

"I told you to move out my way." He pulls me and pushes me. I feel anger rise on me and I punch him across the face. Some people are looking now and they're laughing at him. He grabs his cheek as he looks at me, I start to feel panic when I see him coming to me. I don't have enough time to move out the way when he swings his fist at me, I fall back towards the door I yelp in pain when I feel my back hit the cold floor. I'm struggling to breath cause I hit the floor so hard.

I've been in his situation before- well kinda. I've fell on my back plenty of times, when I'm wrestling I'm constantly falling and being hit. But this is different. I'm pretty weak and dizzy and this guy literally punched me and threw me across the room like I'm a rag doll. A guy.

I lay on the floor staring at the ceiling as I'm gasping to breath. "What the fuck man?!" I hear a loud voice say. "What's your damn problem?" The guy that pushed me says. I slowly sit up and curl up in a corner as I lay my head on my knees. My head is pounding and I think my elbows are bleeding from where I slid across the floor. My cheek is throbbing and its swollen.

"You're my problem! How dare you touch a woman like that?" I sorta recognize the voice and I want to look but I don't want to move. Apparently now that they're screaming people have come to realize what happened, some people gather around me and I close my eyes because everything looks blurry.

"I don't care!" The guy screams. "I do care. I'm not going to let you do that to her. Fucking asshole." And then I hear some ooohs and ahhs. After a few minutes I hear footsteps coming my way. "Are you okay?"

I can't believe my eyes. Am I seeing things? Is my imagination somehow playing tricks on me? It's Dean. He's kneeling down to me and all I do is stare at him. "Aj, are you okay?" He looks worried and I nod my head even though I want to cry and puke. "Here let me help you." He grabs my hand and helps me up. I wince touching my back as I feel a pain creeping up my spine. The people are starting at us and the guy that did this to me is lying on the floor with a bleeding nose and mouth.

The securities are screaming at us but Dean ignores them as we walk out. He looks at me as I'm walking sloppy. "Gosh. I could've fucking killed him." He looks furious and I stare at the side walk as I start to sniffle. "Aj?" He says quietly. I wipe my tears as my head is pounding really bad. "No. Don't cry. Oh God, did he hurt you that bad?" He looks at me and I look down. I'm pretty sure I look awful.

My mascara is running down my face, I have a bruised cheek and I probably stink because of the alcohol. "No." I say crying even more. "Then why are you crying?"

"I just- why don't you like me? Why doesn't anybody like me? That guy that I don't even know doesn't like me- that's why he pushed me and punched me. I'm such a worthless thing. You can leave now, I'll call a taxi." I'm making horrible noises with my mouth and Dean is just looking at me. "Don't- don't say that." He's whispering like he doesn't want me to hear him. "It's true. I shouldn't have came here." I cover my face so he won't have to see my horrible sobbing.

I'm startled when I feel his arms around me. Is this real? "It's okay, don't cry. Please-" his voice cracks a little and he clears his throat. He smells like cologne and some alcohol. I cry softly on his shirt as he holds me closer, I feel so tiny in his arms but it makes me feel safe and secure.

He pulls away when I stop crying. "I'll take you home. Come on." He holds my hand, softly- and delicately.. Like he's afraid he'll break it. "You don't have to." I whisper. "But I want to." He walks towards his car as he's holding my hand. When we get there he opens the door for me and I take a seat next to him. He slowly reaches across me and buckles me up. I stare at him as he's driving, how can be so different?

How can his mood change so quick? It's like he's another person- he's being sweet and caring.. I wish he was like this all the time. I lay my head against the window, I'm sure tomorrow he will go back to being the same cold distant person. But for now I just want to stay in this moment.

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