Part 10

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You know when you feel your heart beating really fast and you're scared to screw up? This is what I'm feeling right now. I've had tons and tons of matches, I've been here for years. I know how to wrestle, but having a match with Dean as my tag team partner scares me. First of all, I'm not sure Dean and I can work together. We are so different, we both use different strategies while Seth and Nikki are on the same page. They're used to wrestling together as partners, they'd been doing it for months. Whereas this is our first time together as partners.

I'm walking down the hall when I spot Dean, "Dean! Hey!" I rush over to him before he can walk away. "Ready for the match tonight?" Seth asks walking over closer to us, he's with Nikki of course. "The real question is are you ready?" Dean says and Seth smiles big, "Oh yes we are." Nikki nods, "Yeah I hope you're ready for us Ambrose cause we are going to tear you two up." She smiles, "Oh right right. If that helps you sleep at night." He grins and I feel jealousy kick in. It makes me mad that he talks to ANY other Diva except me.

They laugh and I look down at my shoes feeling kind of weird just standing here. "Good luck, Dean and Aj." Seth tells us as they turn around and start walking. They're holding hands while Seth is holding his championship in one hand and Nikki is holding the Divas Championship in her hand. They really do look like a power couple. A photographer snaps a picture of them and then turns to us. I smile big at the camera while Dean is looking away. He turns around when he sees the flash, "I don't like pictures." He says and the photographer steps back, "It's okay! No worries, you can take pictures of other superstars." I tell the man smiling, he seems relieved and walks away.

Dean is chewing gum and I follow him behind as we walk behind the curtain. Our match is like right now, Nikki and Seth walk out as soon as we get there. Their music is playing and they're being announced. Dean is stretching his hands and I get a little rush and impulsively hug him. "What are you doing?" He says slowly as I feel his muscles stiffen. "I'm giving you a hug for good luck silly." I say closing my eyes and squeezing him as tight as I can. Dear Jesus this man is muscular. "No I don't need any luck, you're the one that needs luck." He pulls away breaking the hug and I clear my throat. "Well a hug can't hurt." I whisper.

Deans music hits and he walks out, "His opponents introducing first from Cincinnati, Ohio weighting at 225 pounds Dean Ambrose!" The crowd cheers loud and I wait for my music. It starts playing and I skip out smiling, "His partner from Union City, N.J.. Aj Lee!" I skip down to the ring where Dean is at ringside. "Who's starting?" I whisper to Dean, "Me." He steps in the ring as Seth removes his shirt and puts his championship down.

As soon as they start Dean attacks Seth, he kicks him down and starts punching him. Seth crawls out the ring rubbing his jaws and the crowd boos him. Nikki is telling him to get back in and seconds later he does. Dean is taking total control of Seth but then Dean does a horrible mistake. When Seth gets out the ring and acts like he's hurt Dean runs to him and he moves out the way making Dean run into the steels steps. I jump out of the ring and run across the the other side and see if he's okay. Seth starts attacking him now that he's down and hurt.

"Hey! Stop that!" I push Seth away, "Don't get in this!" He screams and continues kicking him, I push him away again and Nikki then gets involved. She pushes me making me angry. You see I don't like being pushed- or touched. I jump on her and Seth pulls me away of course. Dean has enough time to recover that he punches Seth. The referee starts counting and they roll back in the ring. I watch Nikki walk away because I don't trust her. She's too sneaky. Dean kicks Seth in the face and he tags Nikki in. "Damn!" Dean screams walking to me, he tags me in too hard and I get in the ring.

I don't waste any time and we get to fighting. At first I feel like I have this but like I mentioned before Nikki is sneaky and she punches me so hard that when she's pinning me I feel like giving up. "Come on Aj!" Deans voice booms in my head and I kick out at 2 and a half. Nikki puffs her chest annoyed. She pulls my hair as the referee is telling her to stop. She lets go but first kicks me on the chest, I groan slapping her. This makes her angry I can tell because she comes at me with full force, I move out the way and she runs into a poll. That's when I take control over her. I entangle my body on hers doing the black widow, I'm grinning happily hoping to make her tap out to me once again. Seth steps in the ring with his Championship and I get distracted, I let go of her because I see Dean get in and I know Seth will hit him it. Nikki rolls out the ring grabbing her neck and I curse myself for letting go. "What are you doing?!" Dean screams. "I thought he was-"

I look over at Seth who's out the ring and now why he walked in. I swear those two. Nikki gets back in and I'm about to run to her when she tags Seth smiling. I have no other choice but to tag Dean in. I'm keeping eye contact with Nikki, I'm not going to let her mess up the match. But I'm not worried because Dean is pretty much beating the hell out of Seth. He pins Seth and Nikki goes out the ring and pulls Deans leg. "Oh no you're not!" I scream walking to her. She Tries to get away but I pull her by the hair. This catches Deans attention and he looks at us, "Get back over here!" He tells me. Seth is stranding up behind him, I let go of Nikki's hair, "Dean! Watch out!" He doesn't turn around in time and gets hit in the head. He pins him but Dean kicks out. He gets the strength to tag me in and I'm feeling like I have this. I will win this for Dean because I need him to be impressed and-

I'm too busy not paying attention that I get hit straight on the face knocking me out. I'm seeing stars as I feel Nikki pick me up in her arms. It's coming.. I know it's coming. I'm trying to wiggle my legs so she can let go but that kick on the face impacted me really bad. She does the rack attack and a sharp pain shoots through my spine. She pins me and I don't have the strength to kick out. Nikki's music Hits and Seth runs to her hugging her then quickly leave the ring. The referee is asking me if I'm okay but I don't even want to get up. This certainly did not impress Dean.

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