Part 41

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Yikes the story is coming to an end. Hope whoever is reading this enjoys it, because I enjoy writing it!

When the sun hits my window I feel a huge sadness deep inside. I slept a few hours, maybe three-four. That wasn't enough though, but at least I was sleeping so I couldn't remember or feel anything.

It makes me want to keep sleeping, and I can't since today we start packing up to leave. I'm so glad I don't have a live show today, because I'm not in the mood. "Dean, can we please talk?" I text him but after I wait for around twenty minutes staring straight at my phone, I know he won't reply.

After I shower I look at myself in the mirror. I look awful- more than usual- my eyes are red and puffy from crying and my lips are swollen.

My eyes start to fill up with tears again, quickly I close my eyes and sigh. Don't cry Aj, don't cry. I put my hair in a ponytail and finish getting dressed.

Nikki is sitting in her bed, and I'm guessing she's was waiting for me. She grabs her towel and clothes and starts walking to the bathroom, "Hey Aj?" She says before stepping in the bathroom. "Y-yes?" I ask looking at her but then looking down so she can't see my face.

"know this is none of my business but I just want to tell you, it will be okay. I don't know what's wrong with you but whatever it is, it will get better."

Was that a friendly advice? "Thank you." I whisper, she gives me a sympathetic smile and walks in the bathroom closing the door.

My heart aches, not physically but emotionally. I don't know if that makes sense, all I know is that I'm still hurting inside.

Something tells me I should skip breakfast, I'm just going to see people . . By that I mean Phillip. I can't avoid him forever and plus I want to see Dean.

All I need is to see him, he doesn't even have to talk to me or even glance at me. My knees are trembling as I walk to the elevator, my heart is beating fast as I press the 15th floor where the breakfast room is at. In just seconds the door opens, a lady is outside the room.

"WWE Diva." I tell the lady whose glasses are at the very tip of her nose. She writes it down as I walk in, I'm not really hungry but I still get two pancakes and bacon.

After that I walk in where everybody is sitting down. They're all very chatty and don't even realize I'm standing there looking for a place to sit.

But suddenly everybody freezes, they all turn their attention to me and I want to be eaten by earth right now because Dean is looking straight at me.

I don't even care if the whole world is staring but the fact that Dean is looking at me with so much sadness and disgust makes me fall apart.

"Nice to see you too people!" I jump startled and then I realize that Punk is behind me, that's why people stopped and stared.

I quickly walk away sitting down at the very back where I'm far away from people, but not too far. "Woah, Aj, honey, slow down." He sits in front of me with a huge grin.

Dean stares at me and then he looks down at his table, Roman whispers something to him but he shakes his head and starts playing with his breakfast. "I told you we were over."

Phillips smile turns to a frown. "Well baby, I think you hit your head really hard on a match or something because you're still acting a little crazy." I chew the inside of my cheek, "I'm not crazy, Phillip."

He rolls his eyes and starts eating his bacon. "Don't call me Phillip, you sound so serious. You know I'm joking, I would never make fun of your craziness-" he stops talking once he sees my face. "Okay, okay, sorry."

"I'm done." I get up and he grabs my hand pulling me down. "Listen, Aj, you're making this really hard for me. I'm trying to be comprehensive here but you're really pissing me off."

His grip has tighten around me and I'm trying to pull away. "Let me go, I'll scream!" I whisper harshly, nobody is looking except for.. Dean.

He gets up from his seat and looks at me like he's going to walk over here but then Phillip lets me go. "You're such a fucking drama queen." He says with a scowl.

I hold my hand which has a red mark around from his grip. "You know what? Just go, go away and cool off. When you're done being a childish brat come talk to me. Because trust me, you will find nobody like me."

He takes my plate and puts all my food on his plate then hands me the empty one. "You can put it up on your way out." He smiles as I feel my stomach burn in anger.

I walk away looking down to the floor, on the way out I leave the plate there. I'm pressing the elevator button to see if at least one of them opens.

There's three but apparently they're all being used. "Yeah dude-" Seth stops talking once he sees me. Roman gives me a small smile while Dean is looking away.

They're with Nikki and her friends of course. The elevator door opens and I indicate them to take it, "You can come too." Roman says. Dean plays with his fingers acting completely uninterested.

"No, I don't think there's room for me." Dean looks up as I say this and the door begins closing. He opens his mouth like he's going to say something but then looks at the ground.

Is it possible to be dead inside while still being alive?

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