Part 38

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"I can't believe Ambrose kissed you." Nattie says as I walk in the locker room. I just blush feeling all the attention on me. "How did it feel to be kissed by him?" Emma sighs with a smile. "I bet it felt amazing." Paige says nodding her head. "Well it was uh-"

"It was nothing special for her. I mean she gets kissed by guys all the time." Summer says with a smirk. I roll my eyes, "Stay out of this." I say. She shrugs, "Just keep in mind that he will eventually leave you once he gets tired of screwing you." She grabs her bag and walks out the locker room pushing me with her shoulder. "Just ignore her." Nikki says. I smile a little, Summer is still mean to me but at least now the girls attempt to talk to me which makes me feel better.

"Sorry." Dean says as he approaches me. "It's okay." I say looking at the floor. Ever since the kiss he gave me I can't even look at him in the eyes. I feel like such a little girl who's just had her first kiss.

It's just the way Dean makes me feel. "Are you mad at me?" He asks leaning down, the locker room opens and Paige along with her friends come out. I wait for the giggly girls to walk away before I answer, "Of course not." I say starting to walk.

He grabs my bag along with his, "I know you're trying to take it slow but," he opens the door for me and we continue walking to the parking lot. "I really couldn't help myself." He unlocks his car and opens the back door to put our stuff there. After he closes the door he looks down at me with a smile. "You've got me so crazy over you. A lot more crazy than I usually am."

"Oh, Dean." I say covering my face blushing. "Did you hear what I said Ms. Lee? You've got me CRAZY, CRAZY OVER YOU!" He screams out loud, I cover his mouth laughing. "Hush Dean." I say.

"Got to tell the world how I feel." He says, I grin so big I feel like my face is splitting. He open the door for me and I get in.

We get to the hotel in about ten minutes. Tonight I'm not feeling really hungry so Dean didn't stop at a restaurant. After he takes me to my room he hangs me the bag and kisses my forehead. "Goodnight gorgeous." He says. "Goodnight Deanie." I smile, he's walking away but he turns around. "Can I see your phone?"

I feel my insides twist, "Wh-why?" I'm trying not to sound nervous but this is nerve-racking. Does he suspect anything? "Just let me see." I reach in my pocket and hand him the phone, I'm praying to God there's no messages or calls.

He then takes out his phone and types something on mine. After that he hands it to me, "Done." He smiles and once again kisses my head.

I walk in the empty room and lay on my bed. I'm in so much trouble, I'm pretty sure my "boyfriend"- if you can even call him that- was watching the match.

He definitely saw Dean kiss me, and honestly I'm scared of his reaction. Lately I've been thinking so much and I've come to the point that it's not worth it.

It's not worth trying. He's always been so cold and distant, the only time he's nice is when he needs something from me. I know he uses me ... I know he's using me right now to get fame. And Dean, he doesn't use me, he's always sweet to me with no reason.

I sit up from the bed and stare at the wall. I want to be with Dean, but letting go is hard. My phone vibrates and I'm expecting it to be him but it's Dean, "Hey sweet-cheeks ;) this is my number. Do you see what my name on your phone is? Brilliant huh? Well just wanted to say goodnight again. Sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite!"

Do you remember those times when you were back in high school and your crush texted you out of nowhere? Remember that feeling? And how you wanted to jump on the bed and scream really loud?

That's how I'm feeling right now. He put his name on my phone as "my sexy boy", I chuckle as I type back, "Goodnight Ambrose, I won't let no bedbugs bite. Don't you worry ;)"

After I put the phone down I close my eyes and sigh. I think I've made up my mind.

*short chapter sorry, but the moment of truth is finally coming up! Dun.. Dun.. DUNNN.

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