Chapter 3- Me and The Past

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*^Found picture on Pinterest. If this is your work or you know who the artist, comment it^*


The floating screen was still there when I woke up. Everything was the same. Nothing changed around me.

The good news is that the screen had a timer notifying me of my age. I thought I only fell asleep for a day, but it said I was 10 months old.

Hmm... I guess my appearance has also changed slightly, like I assumed last time the skin shrinks or disappears as I heal. It was probably due to myself being a different person to Emma and having a main ability with a passive heal.

It was odd.

I no longer looked malnourished, but I wouldn't say I look like a baby. The excess skin also shrinked or partially disappeared too. I suppose I still look like a monster, but more fierce. At the very least, I no longer looked like I was dying. Although my skin still had bruises on it, the bruises were lifting showing my pale skin underneath.

I was still forced to survive on my own with the machines taking care of me every now and then. Pain was also still felt. At this point if I was ever relieved of all this pain I imagine that I would be scared. It was now a sign that I was alive and gave me the feeling that I wanted to live. That my body was improving. That I was doing something other than approaching death. If anything, I was aware that my passive healing brought me closer to living longer and better the more I live.

It was oddly cathartic in the sense that it gave a more positive message/actuality. I mean, I can stand in a room of people and state that the very day I was born was the day I started stepping closer to life.

Yes, that's right. Whilst everyone else is stepping closer to death with every breath they breathe. I get better with every breath I breathe and not many, if any, can use that as an idiom.

Yep, I'm practically an elf- no, no. I'm clearly a world tree.

Now where do I find people to worship me.

I get prettier everyday. I'd be lying if I said that I'm not currently crying. The current me has all but disconnected myself from this vessel of flesh. I suppose this is what people call delusion? But it is tough for me to be in this magical, fictional web novel and machine feeding room, without disconnecting myself from my reincarnated form.

So, although I may sound narcissistic and just a tinnnny bit hypocritical, know that this is how I lie to myself. Is what I want to say... But all I have right now is limited mobility and a reflective surface in front of me. So, I guess what I'm saying is that it's tough not being overjoyed when facing the image of a baby that looked like a monster, but is now getting better.

"oh", my mouth formed a o shape as I remembered the screen's message at yesterday's feeding session.

Where improvements on my abilities started to show with the message:

Energy SENSE, trait CONTROL, passive ENERGY UPGRADING, active CONTROL TRAIT & ENERGY UPGRADING, rank E (upgradable)

Congratulations! You have been healing certain parts of yourself other than the whole self in general. This has caused the active CONTROL TRAIT & ENERGY UPGRADING ability to be exercised and upgraded.

An act in the defiance of death has been completed. A reward is being generated-

Rewarded with a 5% chance to activate the ability to create a synergy between powers. Upgradable if conditions are repeated.

I'd be lying if I said that this wasn't pleasing to the eyes. But at the same time my 10 month old brain was giving me a headache when I think too much.

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