Chapter 25- Mafia Games

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<Dazai from Bungo Stray Dogs>

During the moment when everyone had their eyes closed the game master, Kennet, started talking in a melodically slow voice.

"Would the mafia please open their eyes and recognize each other. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Okay. Now can you please choose who'd you'd like to kill by pointing at them. Okay. You can now close your eyes."

"Doctor, please open your eyes and choose the person who you want to save tonight."

"The doctor's eyes should now be closed. You have a janitor mafia member in your group, who the junior investigator can't outrank. The investigator will not have a role to play until the janitor is killed. Now the rogue criminal should open their eyes and look at the screen above my position. Please choose the action you'd like to take with your fingers."

"Rogue criminal please close your eyes. Would the good person who can kill open your eyes and decide if you will kill tonight with a nod of your head. If the answer is yes, please point at the person you'd like to kill. If the answer is no, just close your eyes back up."

Ding. A sound and a new voice came through the speakers. "Please open your eyes. There have been a total of 11 killings that have taken place in your group of a hundred. As the public you are tasked to be careful and choose to send one person to jail in your separate groups of ten."

Kennet picked up the tablet beside him and began to narrate what had happened.

"Last night the disfigured body of someone who's assumed to be Mannet the student from your building was sent down a river. The only investigator in the building is a junior investigator and did not find any traces of the mafia on Mannet's body. It is up to you to decide who's at fault. It is suggested you find the rogue criminal who was a reporter, but is currently running from the law for recording the lives of people in his past apartment building."

A participant sat up, "We've got a nosey pervert as our rogue criminal?!"

My head looked around the currently alive roles and Mannet who was now on a white chair at the side of the room where the dead or jailed participants would watch the rest of the game. "Would we know about the reporters information once they're dead or jailed?"

Kennet looked at me, "You will find out as soon as you have finalised who you chose to go to jail or in the morning reports. After today the news won't be talking except to announce the survival and killings of certain individuals. So get to discussing! And the mafia must be careful."

There was an awkward silence between us all for a moment. No one really wanted to look each other in the eyes and vote for them. If you did vote for someone you'd essentially be cutting their air time, so the hesitation wasn't present for no reason at all.

One of my mafia teammates couldn't stand it any more and came forward with strips of paper they tore in the silence.

"Look! We aren't going to get nowhere and we're all reluctant to come out with our roles. So how about we decide this all randomly."

"With the strips of paper? Would the one with the shortest be voted out?" My hand reached towards the papers he placed in his fist to hide the lengths. I had roughly seen that the paper had a crease in it before he chose to tear it diagonally. I had already pulled out a mid length piece before she could have time to listen to my words being translated.

Soon after the others took the strips and the first to be thrown out was the rogue criminal.

Kennet read the tablet out loud. "Last night Fav followed Aeon only to find Aeon going outside at night. In the video Fav shot, it can be seen that Aeon got some food before walking to the river and finding the body. Upon seeing the body she jumped into the river to pull it out, but tripped twice on land after finding out it was dead. She called the police before she took the body away herself. From the interactions between the police and her, it is assumed by the rogue criminal that Aeon has a job relating to the police in some way. Please close your eyes for another night cycle."

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