Chapter 89- More Ingredients

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"I'll make my energy fill this room. Whilst I do so, you both need to try and make your own compartment within it. You can use my energy to do so, but you need to make a container for yourself and your ingredients within the room's energy. After that you just need to eat the ingredient and start consuming the inner container you made by passing it through to the ingredient you ate." I explained.

"Also, this will take longer, because you might experience someone else's knowledge passing through you along with their ability that will try and meld to you if you're lucky. You can also condense a stronger body part through this. But I wouldn't forcefully aim to make a body part stronger. You can imagine the consequences of forcefully upgrading your eyes or skin. You might also want to stop certain upgrades to strange body parts or certain body parts like one or two bones that want to be upgraded alone. The body parts will be strengthened according to your own body during the process of your new ability or experienced knowledge melding into you like a movie or something of the like." I added.

They both tilted their heads, but didn't ask anything about it like I would have done. Drag was even in the mood to joke.

"I'll consider myself lucky if my kidney or liver strengthens up. A strong kidney will help with my age and future expeditions. My liver will help with my future alcohol intake." Drag laughed at the prospects. Felix joined him, and I chuckled breathlessly from filling up the room with my energy.

I had to make sure my energy doesn't pass the confines of the room and becomes full enough to put a healthy pressure on the containers the other two were making. The energy I pushed out of me was great, making both of the guy's eyes widen in surprise before taking their own compartment construction more seriously.

An hour passed and I reached a good point. The other two were stabilising their compartments and I also did the same for both the room and my own that looked solid in their opaqueness that moved strangely.

The energy moved in waves, but was too solid to be described as the movement of waves. It was more fitting to see it as a complex take on a rubix cube. When I finished with my energy constructs I ate my ingredient and began ingesting within my compartment.

I got a new ability that looked more like a skill like I had warned them about beforehand after they came back to ask me to help them consume their ingredients properly if they won them in the competition.

My new ability was called string and it will connect me to one chosen person at its current rank. However I'll need that person's permission, because the string can be used for tracking purposes. The ability had no active or passive abilities and it was already at rank F. I could already tell that it would take a lot of time to upgrade and it didn't state what energy category it was in like normal abilities.

[<new sub ability> String- Rank F, Ability that can be fully made by using it. New sub ability will always be known as your own ability from this moment on.]

I already knew that it would take longer to upgrade the ability than my other ones. It would be difficult to make the ability fully actualised by getting another person to give me their permission to use it on them. I didn't even know if I could unstring a person I string. It was complicated like most things in life were.

If I could feel that my other abilities could be upgraded within freak or dangerous scenarios quickly if I survived them, then my new sub ability felt like it took too much experience and had a time restriction. What that meant was as alien to me as it is to you. I felt the chasm until the next rank needed a year or two as the minimum and that's if I constantly used my new ability. The ability needed someone's permission and activates when I need to track or message someone.

The experience knowledge I gained was invaluable. In the span of a few hours I felt my body mimicking fighting moves or actions. I was more or less aware that my reflexes and skills were improving. I was also aware that my body was changing the moves to better them in order to suit me. After a while I also saw the person learning various moves from others and felt like I was being taught for a while with all the instructor's attention on myself who'd make mistakes continuously in a different way from the soul's experience. A part of me could see that the instructor oriented his instructions based on similar scenarios the soul had seen from the instructor instructing other people who'd made similar mistakes as myself.

The whole experience was surreal and felt like a year had passed of me learning how to move in certain ways. I also saw some unpleasant things. For one the nightly learning activities felt like they were too much. I haven't been to brothels in both of my virgin lives, but I'd imagine I just got the premium service all without doing any of it. It was like I had practised for the deed efficiently without doing it. So, although it was unpleasant it seemed to give me a good lesson to avoid possible awkward situations in the future.

After that I felt the remnants of the soul, and various energies strengthening my body. As I viewed it I was shocked to discover that my bones had been adjusted and rebuilt. I also saw that my physical memory ability had upgraded one more time alongside some changes to my original main ability that seemed to have upgraded the soul part.

As I saw the physical memories at rank F I felt ecstatic.

[<Energy MEMORY, trait PHYSICAL, passive RETAIN PHYSICAL MEMORY OF PRIME, active TRAINING, rank F (Upgradable)>

To summarise development information on Energy MEMORY, trait PHYSICAL ability:

- This ability will take away users nausea caused by travelling and currently has many limitations due to rank. The best physical condition of the user will be remembered through this ability, as well as receiving small clues about abnormal body conditions. Currently the body is more proficient in telling you what you lack through vague food cravings.

- This ability has melded better to the user after Rank F was gained.

- User will passively remember the user's own best physical condition. This currently means that your body will heal perfectly regardless of certain internal issues.

- The active TRAINING allows the user to gain vague hints on bodies abnormal conditions. Abnormal conditions falling under the category of the body not being in its best condition. You will get vague food craving hints at current rank.

<Energy GUARD + Energy SOULS FULFILMENT, trait ALL, passive HEALING, active ALL TRAITS, GOD TIER, Human Intermediate Advanced>]

The upgrade of my passive original main ability was great news to me, even if I can't see the specifics about it. But now that I was seeing the practicality of the physical memory ability it made me feel like I'd been gifted with a cheat ability. Even if I forget what I just learned my body will now never forget it, a total upgrade in my motor skills. And every time the ability upgrades I will physically upgrade alongside it into the path I take to perfection.

I couldn't see it myself clearly, but felt the change. My physical memory ability seemed to make me much more aware of my own body.

It made me wonder whether I'd be able to upgrade to remove things like depression due to the imbalance of my hormones or other unwanted emotions as my rank upgrades to a healthy state. Although I wasn't entirely looking forward to it. It felt like my emotions would be regulated again on top of how I've already cooled down my emotions when I come across murders or fights.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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