Chapter 33- Omen?

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Meanwhile, standing in the cafeteria alone Felixe picked up the tub of mango yogurt that Aeon put down with a frown on his face.

Thinking about how unpleasant he felt right now he sighed.

"As I thought. She's annoying..."

He then proceeded to take a spoon and the mango yogurt to his own room.

It wasn't that fun talking to people after all.

He didn't even know Emma in the other timelines. Just saw her as an unfortunate person who entered early into the battle between transmigrator's. But now he sees her as trash. How could her existence mess up his conversation with a fellow sicko named Aeon.


When morning came the world posted newspaper headlines and by that they posted a short footnote about how Aeon Nether took the place of a person called Emma. Maybe in the previous world where Aeon was once called... Yasmin? It wouldn't have been so strange to post this as news, but it certainly seemed strange to the masses online.

Most people didn't really care about it. This included me if I had known, partly because I forgot people could watch me 24/7 on this show when I was outed.

It also wasn't so much of a big deal due to people having understood that most people who are replaced in the world are either suicidal or a tortured soul of some kind. Aeon's reaction of guilt and sympathy was seen as her being too soft.

The newspaper's choice to publish such news was seen as out of line, because they're essentially looking into the life of a dead person the universe and themselves decided to erase. It only really served to notify transmigrated individuals on possible targets or who to avoid.

It was something that could be described as being too much. I for one could also be described as too much for thinking such things too. I mean from the little information that was delivered to me I was aware that there was a lot of "key" information on transmigrators. One of them being that transmigrator's shouldn't think too much about the people they've replaced. Moreso in my case being born in a new body, but having the same starting line as Emma- the person I replaced.

That key piece of information is that the past or replaced life could be easily changed and should just be used as a guideline to ensure we, as the transmigrated, do not die or live an unfortunate life like those we replace. Of course for me this meant trying not to die at the end of this program, healing myself, and dodging people. On the other hand, for one of the people that I must dodge, this is basically just a second chance at having a better life.

Nonetheless, I may have been too focused on my anger at certain individuals by connecting myself to Emma too deeply. To be honest it's a wonder why I wasn't blaming Emma and her skill for putting me through more pain. Couldn't the process of gaining more information from Emma's life have been more painless?

Those thoughts were only highlighted when I woke up with red puffy eyes.

Unaware or rather assuming that not many people were watching I continued to the bathroom with my reddened eyes.

The bathroom provided was a light grey colour and plain. It wasn't something that could be called modern or minimalistic. In fact I don't know what it was styled in. It reminded me of those public rest stops I've seen in movies in my previous life, but in a clean way. Sort of like an old, but well taken care of home. That was the sense it gave off. But it smelled new.

All in all, it was confusing and made me regret having focused mainly on studying subjects in this world. Maybe if I had chosen something like media or something that had to do with decor I'd know it's genre. It didn't help that most of the era's that were taught as a focal point in this world were the same or similar to my original world. Here, the last three hundred years where the dungeons came into being were only talked about when referring to us studying them when our dungeon service times come up.

Frustrated as I was I took a shower and came out having already drained my emotions on the matter of Emma. Or at least I thought I had fully drained myself on the subject of that person.

Sadly, Emma continued to haunt me.

The otherworldly screen I was still growing accustomed to flashed in front of me and came up with a prompt.



Acknowledged child's basic emotional knowledge and ability description upon summoning Emma.



That was how my day started, with the now pink swollen eyes and an omen delivered by something I was told I wasn't supposed to have.

My worries, emotions and thoughts were seen as too much even for the screen that sends me messages whenever it finds it convenient.

It seemed I still had to start by healing myself.

Thinking so, I changed into my sweatpants for the day's morning training and took out a bunch of "snack" items from my dungeons when I succeeded in putting my grey hoodie over my head.

I had a lot to do and a feeling that I was slowly, but surely running out of time.

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