Chapter 87- Late Nights

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When I got back to my room, I looked at my phone habitually like the modern addict I was.

Apparently I had missed a late night game show hosted by the show staff. So I practically missed nothing at all. If anything It might have been my last game show on this show. A different site of ablution from the norm. I glanced at my stream and found out that everything that happened in the warehouse wasn't recorded. Great! The strange warehouse just got stranger. The stream watchers could rewatch my calculated hidden actions to put away the drops from the strange things in the warehouse. As a result I guess it was a somewhat great point that the whole process wasn't recorded.

Finished with the episode of needless phone addiction, I walked over to take a shower. The viewers couldn't see this part, something that contestants are always quick to utilise.

With a quick check on my livestream to make sure it was off, I took out one of the items that had dropped from the monster within the warehouse within the running shower. I was never an abstemious person in the first place, as a result the excessive water use wasn't a shameful point for me. First and foremost I was exceedingly abstinent. I even died a virgin once already and may go on to die again as a virgin. Those were my excuses if those watching me asked.

At the moment my eyes fixed onto the drop within the running shower space. It was a necklace encased in what I'm going to call a gacha ball or one of those mystery prize balls you get from those coin machines. The object was conceivably closer to a hidden object in a bathbomb, if the bath bomb's dense gathering of substance was see-through. Roughly making out that the item was hidden inside the ball.

After checking that the items from the other monsters are in the same compact form I decided I'd use my shower times to use my energy to wear down the balls and open them. This was going to be yet another time consuming and exhausting task. Hopefully, my new physical memory ability will improve or come in helpful. Although, I highly doubted that ability would.


The day of the fourth performance arrived. I was tired, but lively nonetheless.

Extra effort was poured in by everyone standing backstage, including myself. I looked down to see the effortlessly complicated outfit that took me ten minutes to get into. It was made of a bunch of strings that I spent time designing. Originally I was meant to sew additional fabric to act as underneath pieces to attach all the strings correctly, but I gave up when I looked at the clock. It was still a very safe garment to wear in spite of running out of time. I wore things underneath it and was going to use it to help with my interactions with the other dancers while I wore it.

My song was one of the first to turn on, cueing my stage.

The people after me were amazing. But some tried too hard and failed like they were diving in the sea with a hard to remove anchor chained to their ankle. I got through easily in comparison.

The next performance took a month and had us producing our entire stage by ourselves. Not including the staging's actual building and we could use dancers if we danced more than them during our stage, not less. The theme for this month was the final performance.

A chance to win various amounts of money, including those that you could bring into dungeon service and other things. Some of the other things include lessons or chance encounters. You know, rewards that were hard to understand at the moment. Those rewards that we were promised to understand at a later point. We also got ingredients as rewards. Most of the remaining contestants had no idea what they were, but were more generally aware of what the rewards were averagely valued at. The top three who come with the judges ranking receive items that I could make into helpful ability increasing potions. The contestants who'll rank in the top three would also be comparatively better rewarded with things that have a chance to add an ability, knowledge or/and improve your body immensely. The closer you're to first place the better effect of the plant offered. It was to the extent that it looked likely that they were the best stuff this world could offer.

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