Chapter 18- My shelter until I become an Adult!

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*^From Pinterest- Curved concrete Balconies front Lima Apartments by Barclay and Crousse-Pinterest post by Dezeen^*

The car was slowing down and going into an underground car park.

Before we were completely submerged in the underground car park I became aware that the night sky was welcoming the morning. What should have been a black sky with the moon standing out was now a dark blue sky that was becoming lighter and adopted the new colours the early morning sun gave it.

It was a shame that I only completely woke up when I was in the vacancy near the new place I'll be living.

I was aware that the guy who told me to call him uncle and was sponsoring me, was once again watching me. But the attention that he was giving me didn't matter much. My second main ability had caused me to trust in him and the contract. I was aware that there was a weird part near the end of the contract, but the contract given and signed ensured safety around this uncle. In fact if he was always near me he'd have to automatically save me. At least until I'm 16. It was also another reason that I stopped worrying about false education, because the Uncle would be aware of it whilst feeling the need to fix it.

My second main ability being the Energy Sense ability was something that I became reliant on in the gate/medicine dungeon. I suppose it's a side effect of always being reliant on my first ability that would always passively heal me. I am still aware that I'm in pain, but I'm too accustomed to be able to describe it succinctly.

The car came to a stop as it smoothly parked into the parking lot. The uncle came out of the car quietly carrying me. I looked back at the groceries and stuff that he brought, frowning slightly.

"Don't worry about it, I've hired some people to move in the furniture and they'll bring in these things after they finish", was what the uncle murmured quietly to comfort me.

I didn't answer, but I stopped frowning.

The building that we were going to was directly above the underground car park. The building looked like a normal grey apartment block, but looked more chic in that the architecture seemed more purposefully made.

It wasn't your everyday mass produced concrete monster. But it was also not a seemingly nice place. It was as if someone wanted to pay homage to the working class that would rent apartments and try and make them work as new homes. It was something interesting.

As we entered the underground elevator I was aware that the uncle seemed to be assessing my reactions. Maybe he thought I wanted a great living space since he said he was going to sponsor me.

But that wasn't it for me.

This mysterious place that lacked people suited me. I may be somewhat scared and get lonely remembering my family in my past life. But I could and would do that anywhere. It will only cause me more trouble if I had to remember these things in front of others. Technically, this would be the first place that I'm visiting in this world that could possibly be my home.

As an immature 31 year old I was more so anxious that I can't be filial to my original parents and even at this point I have to get someone to buy me things.

It gave me a safe haven that I could possibly live in until I was 16. 16 to 18 years old will be a bit more difficult, but overall I had some hope. Afterall, this was a world where fantasy exists. Although it may not follow a traditional fantasy setting, e.g. magic. We still had energy to take its place. At least to some extent.

Further inside the building we reached a door which the uncle opened.

"This is your apartment now", were his words when he put me down inside the apartment and went to talk to the people that were sorting out the boxes that the furniture came in.

I walked into the room, noticing how the room wasn't that big. There was an open floor plan where the kitchen and living room had their own spaces, but were in full view of each other.

The white paint in the room opened up the apartment and made it seem bigger than it was. Currently, the living room and kitchen fit 8 people in it. But it looked extremely cramped.

The only other rooms in the apartment were the bedroom, small study/library and the small bathroom connected to it. As the people who finished throwing away the rubbish that the furniture came in, I was able to get a better look of the whole apartment with the furniture in.

The furniture was fairly simple within the rooms adding to the rooms looking big. It was nice since I didn't feel as claustrophobic as a thought I would feel in this concrete apartment complex. The kitchen is also connected to a small balcony. The cupboards in the kitchen were enough for a family of three to four to store their food in comfortably. The fridge and freezer were on top of each other.

As I went closer to the fridge I saw another door that looked like it might lead to a boiler room. It did, but it also had a washing machine in it. It was a fairly snug fit and wouldn't be too troublesome to bring a big load into the room.

Next I explored the small yet open living room. The TV in the living room was fairly thin and was big enough to be called an unnecessary purchase. When I turned my head back to the fridge and freezer in the kitchen I realised that all the appliances in the house could be said to be luxury expenditures. The rest of the living room only had a simple rug, a somewhat big coach and a table.

When I went into the narrow corridor in-between the living room and the kitchen spaces, the bed room appeared.

The bedroom was an okay size. It was white and had a wooden bedframe with a mattress that still had the protective plastic that wrapped it. There was an average sized window in the room looking out towards the shady outside world. The area around the building was filled with concrete buildings used by businesses or for housing people, a pharmacy selling medicine alongside miscellaneous items and there was one corner shop selling some snacks.

The bedroom also included a small desk with a desktop on it with a game chair tucked under the desk. There was a fairly large wardrobe along the wall of the room and a small cabinet that was empty.

There was another door in the bedroom leading to a bathroom. The rest of the house had dark oak flooring, but the bathroom had a white tile flooring. The bathroom wasn't very big, but contained a shower, toilet, sink and a sill to place things next to the average sized bath. The room was narrow, but orderly. The tiles on the walls of the bathroom had a dark green colour whereas everything else was white.

I moved onto the completely wooden study which had columns of empty bookshelves with a table in the middle with two chairs and a desk added onto it where another desktop was added. In addition the desk and table had see through drawers underneath it where a small digital keyboard to play piano was in plain sight. Other than that there were art and stationery supplies already in the draw.

There were other things too, but I turned around to go back into the living room. As I did I saw the uncle connecting the cameras in the study, living room, kitchen and balcony. The bedroom also had a camera, but that camera had a narrower vision so that only the desk and the bed were in shot.

The furniture people brought in the daily necessities and the groceries. They left them all in the living room, which I wordlessly started to put away. Towards the end of which the uncle helped me, whilst promising to bring in a small step ladder or stool to help reach shelves.

When everything was put away I stood facing the kitchen.

Maybe it would look like I was hungry.

But in my mind I was settling into the apartment wondering if I could really call it home.

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