Chapter 7- Aeon Nether

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*^Aerie @arieaesu (on twitter). Imagine the above image but with red skin, black eyes and brown human iris's^*

I didn't think much at that moment or probably at any moment of my life. I'm not a big thinker...

But one look at the lock attached to the box made me decide that I'd rather blame fate on the consequences of releasing the creature. I mean... They left the key in the lock!? I'd be an idiot to not open it when all it took was a quick turn of the key's handle.

What made it all too sweet is that I'd be able to cause some chaos that I can say was somewhat self inflicted on those things that would like to be called people in this room. They were the ones who left the key in the lock. Or at least I'm going to assume so. The beds in this room were empty. So I could somewhat sense the lack of energy of each and everything within the room. I knew these people didn't have any abilities at all. From what I can tell from using my abilities, it seems like people use energy as a power source for their abilities. It's similar to the concept of Mana I suppose, but energy and abilities seem to have additional effects. For example, energy and ability use has a limit, which once reached makes you feel a kind of rage or bloodlust. I suppose the best way to put it was that it was in-between what a sugar crash, a virus, and the feeling to strongly commit some kind of sin would feel like.

All-in-all, it was bad.

So the fact that those people that were clearly into the whole committing crimes and giving into their vices, were calm was telling. If they were older, then it might be possible that they did have abilities. But at the current moment it doesn't seem like I need to give it much worry. The creature's flexible arm reached its hand just enough to touch the lock, but you could tell that the creature could just unlock the lock by itself. So, it could reach the more dangerous creatures instead of me. If anything, its act was lazy and it seemed to be trying to get me to not run away from it after it finished killing the others in the room.

Emma's meetings with the monsters on earth were either too intelligent, preferring Emma to bait more humans into their territories and/or too weak against the poison in her body to pose a threat. I had a similar level of poison to when she was deep diving into dungeons at age 11 right now. So I'm more or less safe with this creature. The mutation seems to have increased its weak points on its human/elf side, so I was safe. But I tried to ask it to help me, nonetheless, as I've noticed how creepy the intelligent creatures would act around Emma. By which I mean, I could tell from both experiences as her that the intelligent creatures knew she was healing from poison and kept their distance on purpose.

So, I asked in a whisper, "Will you help me survive?"

The creature looked at me with slightly widened pupils and silently nodded its head.

Leading to me opening the lock without hesitating any more. I made sure not to run, but moved back slightly away from the box I unlocked.

Out came the creature and grew? No, it seems like it was hunched up inside the box making itself look smaller. It was taller than me. At that moment it looked at me and smil-no, sneered down at me.

Then it jumped onto the bed and with the sound of something bones snapping with additional whomping sounds filled the room. I looked at the scalpels near me in a box and decided to prepare. Being bitten or cut through weren't things that I would like to experience. So I cut my finger on the scalpel that I've taken out of its packaging, as soon as the sounds in the room quieted down. I'm sure it would just look like I was checking its sharpness if I was being monitored. But I couldn't care less about that. As I saw the creature arrogantly swagger its way over to me, I got ready to give it a small wound with the poisoned scalpel. I thought that I needed to fight it or to dodge. But none of that happened.

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